Carbon Trading Scam In Big Trouble After Copenhagen Failure
Green billionaires take a hit as markets nosedive

Global warming con men hoping to bag windfall profits from the climate change scam are wincing today after carbon trading markets nose dived following the failure at Copenhagen to secure legally binding targets on restricting CO2 emissions.
As criticism of the emissions trading scheme grows bolder after the fractured Copenhagen summit, AGL has labelled the administration of the the renewable energy target a fraud.
Climate change conference collapses
Mired in a struggle for money and power, the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference collapsed under the weight of its own greed without a substantive agreement. The multi nation participants left the gathering generally unfulfilled and lacking the commitments for additional revenue that had been sought by the poorer countries.
E.U. Blames Others for ‘Great Failure’ on Climate
BRUSSELS — European Union leaders on Tuesday sought to deflect criticism that they had fumbled their strategy at the Copenhagen climate summit meeting, just as a feud between the British and the Chinese over whom to blame for the outcome worsened.
Copenhagen Conference A “Failure”: Cuba
Cuba has descibed the Copenhagen Climate-Change Conference that ended Saturday a “failure”, and accused U.S. President Barack Obama of being “imperial and arrogant.”
South Africa blasts Copenhagen failure
South Africa's environment minister Buyelwa Sonjica and her two top climate change negotiators said Tuesday that part of the blame rested with the way the host guided the conference. In their first media briefing since returning from talks in the Danish capital that ended Saturday, the trio described an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion that Denmark was plotting to force its own position on other nations.