Journal: One World, Region by Region, Tribe by Tribe

02 China, 03 India, 05 Iran, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Policies
Chuck Spinney

Phi Beta Iota: Chuck Spinney's flagging of the below piece supports the point we were making with the post on dynamic planning.  For fifty years the USA has been throwing its weight around on the basis of partisan, ideological, and often illegimiate purposes, and it has been able to get a way with it because in an Industrial Era, might does make right.  We are no longer in an Industrial Era.  We've entered an era in which information asymmetries are being extinguished, while power asymmetries are emergent–demographic power trumps everything else when you get right down to it.  This entire web site makes that point in the aggregate.  On a sidenote, Kashmir is about water but no one seems to acknowledge that.  Water is one of the things we are going to have to figure out how to do in a non-zero fashion.  Hence, for the USA to dig itself a grave in Central Asia without giving any thought to the ten high-level threats to humanity as a whole, and the twelve policies, and the eigth demographic challengers, and to calculate a non-zero course through this maze, is nothing more than idiocy on steriods.

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The Afghan Triangle: Kashmir, India, Pakistan

Graham Usher

Graham Usher is a writer and journalist based in Pakistan and a contributing editor of Middle East Report.

For the last 61 years the fight has been fought, mostly, in and for Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK): the territory Delhi and Islamabad have contested since the 1947 partition cleaved them into two states—and Kashmir into “Pakistani” and “Indian” parts. Sometimes (1947, 1965, 1971, 1999) the war has been hot. More often it has been waged via Pakistani proxies against a standing Indian military. Since 1989, it has been channeled through a low-intensity, Pakistan-backed separatist-Islamist insurgency that has killed 50,000 people and incurred an Indian military occupation three times the size of America’s in Iraq and three times as lethal.

See also:

Scott Atran

Scott Atran

Professor and author

Posted: December 30, 2009 11:57 AM

The Terror Scare

Journal: Keystone Cops on Earth and Space Data Sharing

Earth Intelligence

Wikipedia Page

UN-SPIDER (“United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response”) aims at providing universal access to all types of space-based information and services relevant to disaster management by: being a gateway to space information for disaster management support; serving as a bridge to connect the disaster management and space communities; and being a facilitator of capacity-building and institutional strengthening

Phi Beta Iota:  As usual, everyone is doing their own thing, from the new Planetary Skin Initative to  ReliefWeb to the Global Disaster Information Network (GDIN) to Google and Wolfram Alpha.  The UN has exactly ONE document that can be used to get everyone on the same page: Review: A More Secure World–Our Shared Responsibility–Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.  What the UN needs now is a Strategic Analytic Model and a concept of operations for creating the World Brain Institute and Global Game using Open Everything as the guide for software, standards, sourecs, and spectrum.

Journal: ClimateGate 29 December 2009 Morning

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

ClimateGate Rolling Update

Hope for a Climate Change Solution in the Wake of Copenhagen — If Governments Can't, People Can

The scale and speed of change required goes well beyond anything political leaders have ever had to contemplate, much less achieve. And even if the political will were there to achieve this level and speed of carbon reduction, the social change 1.0 tools at their disposal — command and control, and financial incentives — are not designed for this type of rapid, transformative change. They were purposely designed over two centuries ago for gradual, incremental change.

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If command and control and financial incentives are not enough to turn the tide in the necessary timeframe, can renewable energy and new breakthrough technologies come to the rescue of humankind? While a low-carbon future critically depends on new technologies, there is no credible scenario by which they can be brought to scale in the ten-year window within which our scientists tell us we must make major carbon reductions.

The dilemma we face is what systems theory calls second order change — or change that requires a system to transform and reorganize at a higher level of performance. When the easier-to-implement solutions prove inadequate for the speed and magnitude of change required, the system goes into stress and must evolve, or it will break down.

. . . . . . .

A Cool Community also enables a city or town to enjoy the immediate practical benefits of more livable neighborhoods, greater environmental sustainability, and economic development. Furthermore, it creates a robust long-term carbon reduction capability by building the community leadership, carbon-literate citizenry, and political will necessary to sustain this type of change over time.

Continue reading “Journal: ClimateGate 29 December 2009 Morning”

Worth a Look: Planetary Skin Data Sharing Initiative

Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
Home Page

Warning Notice:  This is a “heavy” site prone to jamming.  It's worth the effort to take a look, and has been added to the Professional Sites list.  There are also some screwy blockages on copying text.  This is not quite ready for prime time, but it is a righteous good start.

We were impressed by the Earth Science Initative of the Bush-Cheney White House, and this effort appears to take that earlier initiative further, this time in partnership with CISCO, which still has not given up on “owning” the Cloud.

The site proposes that the challenge is “Flying Blind” in a complex and volatile world (they don't mention that changes to the Earth that used to take 10,000 years now take three); and that the solution is a global nervous system able to sense, predict, and act.

This is a geek's wet dream, totally focused on bit and byte management and completely lacking a Strategic Analytic Model or any sense of how to mobilize the Eight Tribes and do Multinational Engagement on a global scale, but it has enormous potential if (big if) the public can demand that every aspect of this offiering be Open–it should be accessible via Free'Open Source Software (F/OSS); generate Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); and both receive and broadcast all information via Open Spectrum and a Cloud that is NOT owned by CISCO, open to devices that are NOT infrastructure-dependent (e.g. Haggle).

Journal: ClimateGate 28 December 2009 Evening

Earth Intelligence
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ClimateGate Rolling Update

Climate Change: The Religion of Copenhagen

During the recent COP-15 Conference in Copenhagen, the United Nations claimed it wanted to maintain religious neutrality. It was a lie. Global Warming is the established religion at these international events.

Get the U.N. Out of the Climate Business

The political theater in Copenhagen shows that we need realistic answers that don't require economic suicide to the challenge of rising global temperatures.

In the aftermath of the Copenhagen Climate conference, it is clear that the United Nations-driven process is a bust, and that any similar process requiring economic suicide and massive wealth transfers will go nowhere. It is long since time to drop this charade, take the question of climate change out of the hands of the U.N., and implement more reasonable policies.

The Divergence Lie
So many wrongs have been exposed by the recent climategate scandal that it will take time to see the full extent fraud, egotism and greed each played a part in the greatest fraud in history: global warming. Besides the violations of Freedom of Information Act, acts of extortion, and threats of physical violence, The Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia lied significantly about the basis of the global warming hoax. This hoax has cost Americans billions of dollars so far will cost us trillions of dollars if the cultists are allowed to continue with their lies.

Journal: ClimateGate 25 December 2009 Afternoon

Earth Intelligence
ClimateGate Rolling Update

How do I know China wrecked the Copenhagen deal? I was in the room

As recriminations fly post-Copenhagen, one writer offers a fly-on-the-wall account of how talks failed

Copenhagen was a disaster. That much is agreed. But the truth about what actually happened is in danger of being lost amid the spin and inevitable mutual recriminations. The truth is this: China wrecked the talks, intentionally humiliated Barack Obama, and insisted on an awful “deal” so western leaders would walk away carrying the blame. How do I know this? Because I was in the room and saw it happen.

United Nations backtracks on Climategate email scandal, will not investigate

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Last week Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), promised an investigation into the Climategate email scandal. Today at a press conference at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, Pachauri backtracked entirely saying, “I want to clarify that this is not an investigation.”

Questions about the impartiality of the various investigations into Climategate had already arisen with many pointing to the corruption that went unfettered in the UN’s ‘Oil for Food’ program. At the time, the UN stymied any attempt to investigate its own program, which generated more than $10 billion in illegal revenue and lined the pockets of many UN officials. Many other UN programs have since been shown to be rife with corruption and scandal.

The Climategate Timeline: 30 years visualized

eople have scoured the exposed CRU emails and compiled all of them into a massive timeline covering 30 years of information contained within, presenting it as a huge PDF.  You have to see this to believe it. Look up close and admire the detail while you despair at how long science has been going off the rails.

Click to Enlarge

Download the complete PDF for full detail

.Are you angry about this obvious RICO Act fraud and the national media’s complicity in the cover-up, misinformation, reframing and misdirection of the issue and the related “carbon derivatives” market Obama’s Administration is spinning up? Take responsibility and take action.

STOP all donations to the political party(s) responsible for this fraud. STOP donations to all environmental groups which funded this Global Warming propaganda campaign with our money, especially The Environmental Defense Fund. They have violated the public trust.

Journal: 7 Tipping Points That Could Transform Earth

Earth Intelligence
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Polar Sea Ice
Amazon Rainforest
Bodélé Depression, Chad
South Asian Monsoons
The Gulf Stream
Seafloor Methane

Beautifully illustrated, ignores core references such as  Review: The Next Catastrophe–Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters and the many other books that we summarize here at Phi Beta Iota and — less easily accessible — at Amazon.

See Also: