Search: memetic leadership design


Wonderful serach.  We have some graphics and some books, and a couple of external links for you.

Top Recommendations:

Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept

Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising

Graphic: Open Everything

Review: Evolutionary Activism by Tom Atlee

Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny

Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness

Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem–The Annotated Edition

Wikipedia Memetic engineering is a term developed and coined by Leveious Rolando, John Sokol, and Gibran Burchett while they researched and observed the behavior of people after being purposely exposed (knowingly and unknowingly) to certain memetic themes. The term is based on Richard Dawkins‘ theory of memes.

  • The process of developing memes, through meme-splicing and memetic synthesis, with the intent of altering the behavior of others in society or humanity.
  • The process of creating and developing theories or ideologies based on an analytical study of societies, cultures, their ways of thinking and the evolution of their minds.
  • The process of modifying human beliefs, thought patterns, etc.

Phi Beta Iota: Memetics is NOT propaganda and it cannot be imposed from the top down  It is more like righteous statecraft, treating philosophy with respect and using education the way it should be, a means of empowering the collective public to self-govern by being fully self-aware.  Memes are a form of cultural memory of what works.

More below the fold.

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Journal: Human Terrain Team (HTT)–Drama Part III

02 Diplomacy, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process, Military, Peace Intelligence

John Stanton Blog

New Details Emerge in Salomi Hostage Case:  High Drama in HTS

by John Stanton

Observers indicate that two individuals in HTS leadership positions on the ground in Iraq—Lieutenant Colonel Byrd (Program Management Office – FWD)  and Michael Goains, GG-15 (Theater Coordination Element) had direct knowledge of Issa Salomi's prior forays outside Camp Liberty/Victory Base Complex in Iraq unaccompanied by his teammates (team designation IZ-02,) or US military personnel. Salomi was apparently taken by an Iraqi insurgent group in January 2010 and a video of him recently appeared in global media outlets in February 2010.

Observers have also pointed out that Salomi is not, in fact, a contractor but is instead a temporary US Army Civilian employee. In 2009, HTS reverted to a government program and contractors were forced to choose between leaving or converting to US government civilian status.

“There is so much drama within the HTS program right now that it is unbelievable. Many, many people are being fired, rearranged and moved around due to management incompetence and personality problems,” said observers. “The amount of money being squandered is ridiculous.”

Continue reading “Journal: Human Terrain Team (HTT)–Drama Part III”

MILNET Headlines, 8 February 2010


American Commentary: America Rides off Into the Sunset

American Commentary: Mr. President, Words Matter

Big Dumb Government: Recession chugs on, except in government

Big Dumb Government: U.S. to Form Climate-Change Agency

Cyber-Security: Open Security Foundation – State of the Union 2010

Cyber-Security: Zeus Attack Spoofs NSA, Targets .gov and .mil

Foreign Affairs: China Growls At The Taiwan Arms Sale

Homeland Security: The Disarming Of America

Policy-Economic: Washington threatens to bypass Europe in battle for bank data

Policy-Intellectual Property: Authors Guild: ‘To RIAA or Not to RIAA’

Policy-Intellectual Property: In Secret, Nations Work Toward Crackdown on [Copyright] Piracy

Politics of Intelligence: Anti-terrorism chief rebukes politicians who use cases as talking points

Politics of Intelligence: The Intel Committees Need The Power Of The Purse

Threat-China: China's Hawks Demand Cold War On The US

Threat-Terrorism: A Wounded But Dangerous Enemy

War in First-Person Poetry: A Well-Written War, Told In The First Person

Journal: Collective Counter-Crime Counter-Intelligence

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Full Story Online

The Countertraffickers

Rescuing the victims of the global sex trade

by William Finnegan

May 5, 2008

Her allies and colleagues in this work are widely scattered. An ebullient Dubai prison officer named Omer, who calls Rotaru “sister,” has been a help. So have Russian policemen, an Israeli lawyer, a Ukrainian psychologist, an Irish social worker, a Turkish women’s shelter, Interpol, and various consulates and embassies, as well as travel agents, priests, and partner organizations, including an anti-trafficking group called La Strada, which has offices downstairs from Rotaru’s and a dedicated victims’ hot line.

Journal: European Economic Risk Round II

03 Economy
Chuck Spinney

The author of this article, Simon Johnson, is a highly regarded economics professor at MIT and former chief economist of the IMF.  He has long argued persuasively, at least to my thinking, that the bailout of the “to-big-fail” banks in the US (and UK) did not work to solve the toxic asset problem, but merely kicked the can down the road.

In the two essays linked below Johnson argues that the political rigidities and peculiarities of the eurozone are impeding a rational adjustment to a major part of the worldwide debt problem.  This is increasing the probability of a concatenation of mutually destructive policy actions and reactions like those that precipitated the global depression in the 1930s.

Euro Falling, US Recovery Under Threat

Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 7 February 2010

The euro depreciates, the dollar strengthens, and our path to recovery starts to run more uphill.

Europe Risks Another Global Depression

Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 7 February 2010

The entirely pointless G7 meeting this weekend only served to underline the fact that Europe is again entering a serious economic crisis.

At the end of the meeting yesterday, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told reporters, “I just want to underscore they made it clear to us, they the European authorities, that they will manage this [the Greek debt crisis] with great care.”

But the Europeans are not being careful – and it’s not just about Greece any more.  Worries about government debt and associated public sector liabilities (e.g., because banking systems are in deep trouble) have spread through the eurozone to Spain and Portugal.  Ireland and Italy are next up for hostile reconsideration by the markets, and the UK may not be far behind.

Journal: From Rhetoric to Reality–Four in Power

Chuck Spinney

Establishment Unsheathes the Long knives in Versailles???????

America: A fearsome foursome (Financial Times)

By Edward Luce Financial Times Published: February 3 2010 20:09

Phi Beta Iota: The Financial Times is retarded (yes, the R-word, used with love) and has not yet caught up to the fact that required registrations are so TIRED.  We provide the entire article as received, if you insist on registering, click on the photograph below to reach the Financial Times tollbooth.

The team seen most often in the Oval Office

David Axelrod, senior adviser A former journalist on the Chicago Tribune who quit to set up a political advertising firm, Mr Axelrod, 54, is Barack Obama’s longest-standing mentor, from his days in Chicago politics. Always at the candidate’s side during the election campaign, he is the chief defender of the Obama brand. Still a journalist at heart, he describes himself as having been “posted to Washington”.

Robert Gibbs, communications chief

The most visible face of the White House for his sardonic daily briefings. Mr Gibbs, 38, is perhaps the least likely member of the circle – he is a career Democratic press officer from Alabama who quit John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign and shortly afterwards went to work for Senator Obama. A constant presence during the campaign, he is also seen as a keeper of the flame.

Continue reading “Journal: From Rhetoric to Reality–Four in Power”

Search: intelligence science board social media


Very interesting.  DARPA and IARPA are running about 10 years behind Stephen E. Arnold;  Intel, CISCO, and Nokia are the folks we are watching, although we do not think CISCO will defeat Google, and we do not think Google will overcome its very harmful “do great evil just don't get caught” model.

A Few Intelligence Science Board Reports

There is “an astonishing number of groups and activities concurrently pursuing the subject” of information sharing, according to a newly disclosed 2004 report (pdf) of the Intelligence Science Board (ISB).  But those activities are not well coordinated.  “In effect, we aren’t even sharing information about information sharing.”

Phi Beta Iota: The Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group (AIPASG) found much the same in 1992 or so.  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) desperately needs to get back in the business of MANAGING, using its legitmate presidential authority over the budget to demand an inventory of all that is being done with our taxpayer dollars, and then working to eliminate redundancies and competing projects.

CIA Intelligence Science Board

Phi Beta Iota: This is dated, but if anywhere near this now, a very weak board indeed.

A few leads:

Everything on this site tagged Arnold

Twitter hits on this site

Intel Chip Chat

Intel’s Emerging Compute Model Forum

Cloud Computing (the vendor model against Haggle, the bottom-up infrastructure independent model)

Phi Beta Iota: The “proprietary” corporate model of software is going to collapse at some point.  The only solution that is scalable and sustainable as well as interoperable and effective is the bottom-up open source software solution.