Journal: Learning from Haiti–Seven Ways to Respond

08 Wild Cards
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

This article was written for a progressive magazine which asked for an updated version of my earlier essay on the Haitian crisis.

I decided that rather than updating it I would reorganize it to reflect some deeper dynamics I see in our responses to catastrophes in general. Although in the end the magazine felt they couldn't use what I came up with, I want to share it with you.



Tom Atlee's Complete Article

By Tom Atlee

1. Strategic interest

2. Compassion

3. Prevention

4. Insight

5. Justice

6. Sustainability

7. Social evolution

Reference: Haiti Rolling Directory from 12 January 2010

Journal: ClimateGate Updated 19 February 2010

Earth Intelligence

ClimateGate Rolling Update

Climate pact appears increasingly fragile; U.N. official quits

Pessimism about global climate talks deepened Thursday as Yvo de Boer, the United Nations' top climate official, resigned after struggling for 3 1/2 years to produce a binding legal treaty requiring the world's major emitters of greenhouse gases to slash their carbon output in the coming decades. He will step down July 1 with that goal unmet.

Many observers saw de Boer's resignation as recognition that the U.N. role had been overtaken by the big emitting nations, which hammered out the accord at the last minute in Copenhagen.

VIDEO (8:19) CHANGE 2010: National Press Club Robert Steele, former CIA officer, discusses real-time and and open source intelligence

#OSE Open Source Everything

Robert Steele, former CIA clandestine officer, founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center and expert on open source and real time intelligence, offers his perspective on how the latest information technology can greatly enhance America's national security capabilities.

Posted 18 February 2010

SLIDES:  2009 23 Sep 09 National Press Club Washington, D.C.

Journal: Air Rage–More to Come

11 Society, Civil Society, Government, Law Enforcement
Full Story Online

Pilot May Have Targeted IRS in Austin Crash

Because of his expenses and lack of income, Mr. Stack wrote, he didn't file a tax return, prompting an IRS audit that cost him $10,000. He wrote that he had other problems involving “Sheryl's unreported income.”

“I would only hope that by striking a nerve that stimulates the inevitable double standard, knee-jerk government reaction that results in more stupid draconian restrictions people wake up and begin to see the pompous political thugs and their mindless minions for what they are,” the author wrote.

Phi Beta Iota: See the small selection below for a sense of the growing rage across America.  The Wall Street bail-out has been in our view, “the last straw” for most Americans who wonder why the IRS or any other federal agency is spending time harassing them at the same time that the US Government is doing so many very expensive and highly questionable things including allowing US taxpayer funds to pay multi-million dollar bonuses to individuals who knowingly cheated multiple governments and millions of shareholders.  This is called Cognitive Dissonance. The last reference below is to a Chapter 20: 21st Century Counterintelligence: Evaluating the Health of the Nation.  We predict a wave of death threats against serving Members of Congress (more of whom will announce their retirement); a wave of threats–many false but intended to distrub–against federal buildings; and a growing wave of civil disobedience reflective of the public's deep anger at the bi-partisan betrayal of the public trust these past forty years.  There are 65 political parties in America–63 of them have been locked out of what must be seen as a fraudulent democracy that does not  meet minimalist international standards.

Review: Harvest Of Rage–Why Oklahoma City Is Only The Beginning

Review: TYRANNICIDE The Story of the Second American Revolution

Review: Rage of the Random Actor

Review: Dying to Win–The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (Hardcover)

Review: Leave Us Alone–Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives

Review: The End of America–Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

21st Century Counterintelligence: Evaluating Health of the Nation

MILNET Headlines, 18 February 2010


Abuse:  CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up

Afghanistan:  Empty Skies Over Afghanistan

Anti-Privacy:  Pa. school spied on students via laptops

Cyber-Security:  Cyberattack simulation highlights vulnerabilities

Cyber-Security:  Hackers Troops rejoice, Pentagon Lifts Thumb Drive Ban

Cyber-Security:  Large Worldwide Cyber Attack Is Uncovered

Threat—Crime: Joint effort targets border crime

Threat—Wall Street: Wall Street's Bailout Hustle

US Military:  Leaving Home And Hearth For Battle

US Military:  Officer Training Needs Overhaul, Report Says

US Strategy:  Outsourcing The War On Terror

US Strategy: QDR soft on China  Inside The Ring

Journal: Obama’s Atomic Blunder (Or Not)


By Harvey Wasserman

As Vermont seethes with radioactive contamination and the Democratic Party crumbles, Barack Obama has plunged into the atomic abyss.

In the face of fierce green opposition and withering scorn from both liberal and conservative budget hawks, Obama has done what George W. Bush could not—pledge billions of taxpayer dollars for a relapse of the 20th Century’s most expensive technological failure.

Read entire article online

Harvey Wasserman is Senior Advisor to Greenpeace USA and the Nuclear Information & Resource Service. His SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH is at

Continue reading “Journal: Obama's Atomic Blunder (Or Not)”

Journal: Secretary of State Lacks Intelligence Support

Chuck Spinney

Egged on by a nuclear-armed Israel and its wholly owned subsidiaries throughout the US government, a blizzard of recent news reports make it clear that President Obama's foreign policy team is becoming obsessed with Iran, particularly, but not exclusively, its nascent atomic energy program.

Arab Chuckles Over SecState

Obsessions are dangerous, because in any conflict, be it political, economic, or military, they create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by one's adversaries — not to mention one's purported allies.  That is because obsessions shape the Orientation of one's Observation – Orientation – Decision – Action (OODA) loop in a way that induces one to see and act on what one “wants” to see rather than what “is.”  When this happens, one's decision cycle looks inward and becomes disconnected from its environment, and as a result, the actions decided on will not have the desired outcome.  The mismatch between desires and reality will then feed back into subsequent decision cycle, and if the obsession is not corrected inside the decision-maker's orientation , the mismatches will amplify themselves in subsequent actions.  Left unaddressed only one outcome is possible: what the American strategist Colonel John Boyd, the inventor of the OODA Loop, used to call “incestuous amplification,” or an increasingly self-referencing decision making spiral, that by “talking to itself, succumbs to an inevitable evolution into chaos.

Continue reading “Journal: Secretary of State Lacks Intelligence Support”