The anthology's ten authors bring over 400 years of experience in the military services, weapons design and testing, Pentagon management, budget and cost analysis, defense investigations, journalism, intelligence, military history and congressional national security staff work.
You are invited to join us for the release of the printed version of The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It. The hard copies will be hot off the press. A free copy to all who attend.
When: Wednesday, March 2 at 6:00 until 8:00 PM
Where: The Old Guard Lounge (downstairs) at the Officers' Club at Fort Myer in Rosslyn, VA. (See directions below.)
What: Meet the authors; debate the issues with us, or just enjoy the event. There will be a cash bar and light snacks.
The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It is a 150 page handbook-guide for both newcomers and seasoned observers to cope with the often byzantine nature of defense issues.
Fort Myer is easy to get to; it's just off Rt. 50 in Rosslyn. (See the map and directions at If you do not have a DOD or military ID, at the gate your car will briefly be inspected by a polite guard, and your driver's license will be checked. Ask the guard for the simple driving instruction to the Officers' Club; parking is easy and convenient. Once at the Officers Club, go downstairs to the Old Guard Lounge.
If you are using the Metro, get off the Blue Line at Rosslyn, take the short cab ride to the Officers' Club at Fort Myer; once there, it will be easy to find someone at the event willing to drop you back off at the Metro on the way out.
The Pentagon Labyrinth is also available for electronic download at several websites, including the Straus Military Reform Project's at and the Project On Government Oversight's (POGO) at
We hope to see you there.
Winslow T. Wheeler
Straus Military Reform Project
Center for Defense Information
301 791-2397