Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Curtis Faith

Alpha E-H, Earth Intelligence
Curtis Faith

Over the last few years I’ve become interested in physics through a circuitous route. First, like John Baez who started the Azimuth Project, I realized four or five years back that we’re headed to an ugly place on the climate and energy front if we don’t make some changes.

So I wanted to do something.  It seemed obvious to me that energy was the real problem. Electric cars are nice but only go so far if we still rely on coal to generate the electricity. I am interested in alternative types of fusion power (like I.E.C. fusion) and the associated problems in theoretical physics, especially nuclear binding energy theory. I am also interested in quantum gravity theory. I hope to contribute in some concrete way in the future. As I continue to learn enough to eventually become expert in physics, I want to work on some more tangible tasks that can help make the world a better place.

Structured Hits

See Also:

The Azimuth Project

John Baez Blaster with Graphics

Curtis Faith Books at Amazon

Review: The Complete TurtleTrader–The Legend, the Lessons, the Results

Graphic: Concept for Liberation Communications

Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Earth Orientation, ICT-IT, Innovation, Languages-Translation, Leadership-Integrity, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Political, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes, True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota: An interested group of funders who approached Earth Intelligence Network asked the obvious question: why isn't the US Government doing  this?  Where is public diplomacy, covert action, soft war, and so on?  Our answer was straight forward: the US Government does not want to liberate peoples, it chooses instead to spend borrowed trillions on elective unconstitutional wars that burn up the military machine so it has to be bought again.  If Hillary Clinton wanted to have a legacy, she would demand the pre-approved IOC funding of $125M for the Open Source Agency, and begin implementing the open source tri-fecta long under development by over the past twenty years by thousands of professionals committed to intelligence with integrity.

See Also:

Breaking the Real Axis of Evil–How to Oust the World’s Last Dictators by 2025

THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest,

Multinationally-Oriented Open Source Agency (OSA) as found on pages 23 and 423 of the 9-11 Commission Report (but with integrity, which is to say, not part of the CIA but rather as a sister agency to the BBG under diplomatic auspices), instead the US Government has elected to wage multi-trillion dollar elective wars using borrowed money and completely lacking in Constitutional authorization.

Autonomous Internet [Open, Free, Distributed]


An API for Sharing & MindMap for Next Net

Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered, ICT-IT, Innovation
Venessa Miemis

here's a use case for interoperability ;)

Three years ago, when our team at Kassi began sketching our idea of an online service for sharing goods and skills, we were not aware that others were doing the same thing. Since then, we have found that the idea is definitely not new. This catalogue alone lists more than a hundred services that allow people to lend, borrow, swap and recycle goods, and it probably includes only a fraction of them all.

Read more….

it's easier for me to visualize all these moving parts on a mindmap
than on a wiki.

i started to plot out a couple areas, but if anyone wants to help flesh it out, let me know.

Click on Image to Enlarge


Definition: Free Network

Autonomous Internet, Definitions

ideas to think about, make better, hack on, from venessa miemis:

– access to a global communication infrastructure should be a human right

– i should be able to exchange value directly with a peer without third party involvement

– i should have control over the data that i generate

– it is my right to know how third parties are using my personal data

– i should have the capacity to allow or deny access to aspects of my data

FreeNet Source

Tip of the Hat to Isaac Wilder at Google Group Next Net.

Bolivia: Switch and Bait on Protecting Nature

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
John Steiner

Dear Friends:

See the below [December 2010] article from our old friend, Chellis Glendinning, now living in Bolivia, that she did on the administration's recent anti-eco projects, and the following sent from a friend of a friend also living there now.

Sad to hear the other side of the story…JAS

“Need to tell you that this is all bull.  Mr. Morales turns out to play to the international audience (you) — while at home he's got something else going on: industrial development up the kazoo, dams many times bigger than Hoover, nuclear power plants, uranium mining, lithium mining,  new oil wells, pipelines through indigenous lands, new highways that tribes are fighting.  Every time the people rise up against his plans — which happens constantly now (a friend just lost his eye to the police in the streets) — the administration dismisses them saying they are in the hands of the capitalists or are trying to tear down the state. Plus, public opinion has been cut via new laws that minimize the voice of journalists with heavy fines and perhaps closing papers, radio stations,  etc. if
convicted.  It is commonly said that EM says one thing but does the other.

“So, here at ground level,  we don't take this law very seriously.  It's nice,  a nice collection of words. Sorry to tell you this.  Non-democractic socialism, it turns out, is no picnic.

“The challenge begins now, as the people were too afraid to protest for the last years due to the assault by the right.  But that's not a threat just now, so the people are rising up.  It's a whole new ballgame at this point.
No one knows what will happen.  Today's news is that El Evo liberated a bunch more millions to spend on further industrialization!”

See Also:

The Consequences of Modernization: The Techno-Fantasies of Evo Morales, Counterpunch, Christmas Weekend Edition, December 24-26, 2010