Place-to-Place, Face-to-Face, for a Sustainable Future
PTN Mission
Pull Together Now!’s purpose is to unite and support people committed to a peaceful and sustainable future across our shared, finite planet. We believe that the people of the world will transcend all religious, social, ethnic and political barriers and pull together place-to-place, face-to-face in support of peace, equity, justice and reconciliation with our environment and each other.
PTN Topics
- Abundant, Clean Water For All
- Arts & Culture
- Business As Usual Is Over!
- Climate Science: “Nature Bats Last!”
- Cool People Pulling Together Now!
- Fair Trade – Every Purchase Matters!
- Free Speech & Communication Rights
- Health Care
- Indigenous Peoples Wisdom & Issues
- Media supporting Sustainability Movement
- Our Food: Who grows it and how?
- Peace! & Other Human Rights
- Safe, Renewable Energy
- Science & Technology
- Transparent Government & Justice Reform
- Transportation
- Worldviews & Cross-Cultural Dialogue
Tip of the Hat to Debilyn Molineaux.