Aaron Hamlin's Amazon List on Voting Theory and Political Systems
Douglas Army's PR Library List on Proportional Representation
1. Status of Statement of Work (3.4) and Act (3.8)
2. Has attracted remarkable contributions of substance
3. Distribution to leadership of all political parties less Demo-Publicans
4. Electoral Reform Summit for early December now under discussion
5. Labor unions next week
6. Still need 300+ Paul Revere's to organize constituent delegations to every Representative's office over the holiday fund-raising period.
Today I had an opportunity to communicate directly with the leadership of all of the parties in the USA that are excluded from the political process by the duopoly that fronts for Wall Street and the various “complexes” that pick the taxpayers' pocket for financial gain.
I not only learned a great deal about the diversity that is being shut out by our corrupt political system, I was gratified–even astonished–at the reception that the All Americans Election Integrity Act of 2012 received, with immediate call-backs and emails.
We are now talking about an Election Integrity Summit during the holiday season (December), with the intent of agreeing to have all political parties less the duopoly join Occupy Wall Streeters in a nation-wide reading of the Statement of Demand on 5 January 2012, calling for the passage of the All Americans Election Integrity Act of 2012 no latter than 15 February 2012–in time for the Phase 1 initiatives to be enacted for November 2012.
Note: Use Google translate for a readable but ugly English version that in some cases flips meaning. Where the French is translated as “bastard” the original English quote offered up “runt.”
OWNI France, 10 novembre 2011
Au début du mois et pour la première fois de son histoire, la CIA a ouvert les portes de son centre dédié à l’étude des sources ouvertes, localisé en Virginie. Seule invitée, la journaliste d’Associated Press, Kimberly Dozier. Elle a ainsi pu décrire [en] le fonctionnement de l’Open Source Center (OSC)[en], et de ses activités depuis 2005 consistant à analyser en profondeur “les sources ouvertes”.
Continue reading “Reference: French Take on CIA Open Source Center”
Below are comments on each of the elements of the proposed Act: