Search: linking the split brain theory and jungian epistemological balance to architectural pedagogy


This is really fascinating because since these Salama graphics were posted, there have been many more explorations of the merger of neuroscience, psychology, and how we design and structure everything else.  Imagine the most gifted artists in the world locked inside a lunatic asylum.  That is us today.  We can do better.

Better search:  Graphic: Salama

Graphic: Salama 1 — Components and mechanisms of a theory for knowledge integration in architectural design education

Graphic: Salama 2 — Transdisciplinarity and its challenging to disciplinary boundaries and knowledge fragmentation

Graphic: Salama 3 –Linking the Split Brain Theory and Jungian Epistemological Balance to architectural pedagogy and learning

Graphic: Salama 4 — Strategic accommodation of transdisciplinarity at the knowledge delivery, studio, and degree levels

Graphic: Salama 5 — Strategic accommodation of the inquiry-epistemic component in a studio setting

See Also:

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Robert Steele: Where Have All the Preceptors Gone?

04 Education
Robert David STEELE Vivas

With thanks for the vibrant response of the “eight tribes” as a foundation for reconstructing education to be relevant to the real world, I would add that on the basis of that discussion I have been inspired to conceptualize Preceptors of Practice, much as the  more enlightened universities now have Professors of Practice.

What our students are missing is the real-world real-time perspectives of everyone that lives in the real-world.  If innovation is our objective, then students must be both representative of the full diversity that humanity offers, and also exposed to the full diversity of condition and perception that humanity offers.

Princeton got it right, because a great university, and was then shut down by the dark forces of a conventional faculty, risk-averse and devoid of imagination.  A similar story can be told about the University of Chicago.  When a university suffers both a stale faculty and a timid leadership, all is lost.

In the face of a recalcitrant faculty, but given a strong leadership, Preceptors of Practice and a School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance can show the way and over time, “bring along” the rest of the university — the spike theory of change.

Preceptorial method (traditional)

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Eagle: Senators Intervene To Halt Wellness Ambassadors Who Recommend Dietary Supplements Instead of Drugs at Rite-Aid Stores

07 Health, Corruption, Government
300 Million Talons...

Senators Intervene To Halt Wellness Ambassadors Who Recommend Dietary Supplements Instead of Drugs at Rite-Aid Stores

About 300 of Rite-Aid’s 4700 drug stores are starting to direct customers to what they want – wellness without dependence upon problematic and over-priced prescription drugs. But that practice has obviously upset Big Pharma. These white-coated ambassadors are allegedly pretending they are pharmacists and directing patients to diet supplements – heaven’s to Betsy!

At least that is what two US Senators allege in their letter to Rite-Aid, which has GNC nutrition centers inside many of its stores. A letter from the senators to Rite-Aid says they are concerned these ambassadors “could be making false and misleading claims by marketing dietary supplements as treatments for health conditions.”

Wait a minute – I thought the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) gave the right to market dietary supplements as long as they strictly support health, not as cures, treatments or prevention for any disease. Drugs do not promote wellness, and few are an appropriate cure for anything.

A grave problem (the word grave being used in its true meaning) is that that DSHEA didn’t go far enough. Dietary supplements do in fact prevent, treat and cure diseases, many of them. The Food & Drug Administration mandates censorship of the truth. Doesn’t vitamin D prevent rickets, vitamin C prevent scurvy, vitamin B1 prevent beri beri, etc?

Read full article.

Sepp Hasslberger: Cold Fusion Works

05 Energy
Sepp Hasslberger

Cold Fusion Works: The Story of Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat

Andrea Rossi, an Italian inventor has developed and is now commercializing a cold fusion reactor that produces heat at a very high power density, roughly comparable to today's nuclear fission plants.

The reaction uses nickel and hydrogen, which fuse to produce copper. This energy rich but extremely clean process is used to heat water. The resulting steam can be used directly as a carrier of heat or be converted to electricity.

There is much development work to be done still but the technology has shown its potential and is being offered in containered 1 megawatt plants.

10 kW home units are planned but not yet available.

Learn more.

DefDog: Army’s Mental Health Questionable

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military

Responding to Gordon Duff: Unit Murders In AF, Cover-Up Begins.

There is an investigation that has shed light on the poor medical support being provided at Ft. Lewis…….this may, in fact, be the result of sheer incompetence by the Army Medical Corps and the resultant hiding of the fact that soldiers are being blamed for the incompetence…..

POLL: Are Afghan Killings Reflective of Ongoing Problems at Joint Base Lewis-McChord?

Lewis-McChord: A Military Base With Many Problems

Joint Base Lewis-McChord: ‘The Most Troubled Base In The Military’

Shooting suspect's base no stranger to trouble

What we probably have here is systemic lack of integrity among the senior Pentagon/White House Staff.  The issue of mental problems at Ft. Lewis has been widely known yet we continue to send troops from there to combat zones…..a replay of the casual treatment of Walter Reed and the abuse of the amputees?  Has the Army lost its mind, literally?

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Gordon Duff: Unit Murders In AF, Cover-Up Begins

Corruption, DoD, IO Deeds of War, Military
Gordon Duff

Murder in Afghanistan, the Coverup Begins (updates)

Sixteen Dead, Nameless “Lone Gunman,” We Have Heard It All Before

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The village is Balandi, outside Kandahar in Afghanistan.  Thus far the dead are 16, shot in their homes, not just said to be “women and children” but actually infants murdered in their mother’s arms and set afire.

The US claims the perpetrator to be an unnamed “Army Staff Sergeant who has turned himself in.” There are inconsistencies.

This is the report from Reuter’s today:

Afghan officials also gave varying accounts of the number of shooters involved. Karzai’s office released a statement quoting a villager as saying “American soldiers woke my family up and shot them in the face.”

“They (Americans) poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them,” Samad told Reuters at the scene.

Neighbors said they had awoken to crackling gunfire from American soldiers, who they described as laughing and drunk.

“They were all drunk and shooting all over the place,” said neighbor Agha Lala, who visited one of the homes where killings took place.

“Their (the victims’) bodies were riddled with bullets.”

The village is outside the gate of an American base.  A single soldier without a vehicle would have had to evade security and tunnel under the wire and walls to reach the village or, much more likely, this was more than one man?

This is how CNN has it as for the morning of the 12th.  Story embellishment, as you will note involves a “bed count” and a “search patrol.”  I believe the next story will include rocket flares and bloodhounds.  We will wait for this one.  To impart credit to the Army, their belated response is much more creative but as full of holes as a sieve.  A minor thing to add here, of course, is that a Staff Sergeant, as the perpetrator or suspect, whichever you choose, “patsy” if you will, is a Staff Sergeant, rank E 6.  At 3:AM, those of such rank typically do not “stand watch” on towers or in bunkers.

Then, of course, we will return to the forgotten jerrycan, taken off the nonexistent vehicle to burn the bodies of the dead.  I did, however, feel a need to get this response added in so that readers in the Western Hemisphere would be better informed.  Another minor error in the report below, noted in our earlier evaluation and reiterated here, above that text, is the nature of the armed response team.

Read the rest of the article.

Chuck Spinney: Koch Brothers, Cato, Why Nations Fail

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Non-Governmental
Chuck Spinney

The Koch Brothers, The Cato Institute, And Why Nations Fail

Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 8 March 2012

A dispute has broken out between the Cato Institute, a leading libertarian think tank, and two of its longtime backers – David and Charles Koch. The institute is not the usual form of nonprofit but actually a company with shares; the Koch brothers own two of the four shares and are arguing that they have the right to acquire additional shares and thus presumably exert more control. The institute and some of its senior staff are pushing back.

According to Edward H. Crane, the president and co-founder of Cato, “This is an effort by the Kochs to turn the Cato Institute into some sort of auxiliary for the G.O.P.” Bob Levy, chairman of the Cato board, told The Washington Post: “We would take closer marching orders. That’s totally contrary to what we perceive the function of Cato be.”

Far from being just an unseemly row between prominent personalities on the right, this showdown reflects a much deeper set of concerns for American politics and society. And it raises what I regard as the central question of an important book, “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty,” by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson that will be published on March 20.

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