Josh Kilbourn: “we are this far from a turnkey totalitarian state”

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DHS, DoD, Government, Law Enforcement
Josh Kilbourn

NSA Whistleblower Speaks Live: “The Government Is Lying To You”

Just a month ago we raised more than a proverbial eyebrow when we noted the creation of the NSA's Utah Data Center (codename Stellar Wind) and William Binney's formidable statement that “we are this far from a turnkey totalitarian state”. Democracy Now has the former National Security Agency technical director whistleblower's first TV interview in which he discusses the NSA's massive power to spy on Americans and why the FBI raided his home. Since retiring from the NSA in 2001, he has warned that the NSA’s data-mining program has become so vast that it could “create an Orwellian state.” Today marks the first time Binney has spoken on national TV about NSA surveillance. Starting with his pre-9-11 identification of the world-wide-web as a voluminous problem since the NSA was ‘falling behind the rate-of-change', his success in creating a system (codenamed Thin-Thread) for ‘grabbing' all the data and the critical ‘lawful' anonymization of that data (according to mandate at the time) which as soon as 9-11 occurred went out of the window as all domestic and foreign communications was now stored (starting with AT&T's forking over their data). This direct violation of the constitutional rights of everybody in the country was why Binney decided he could not stay (leaving one month after 9-11) along with the violation of almost every privacy and intelligence act as near-bottomless databases store all forms of communication collected by the agency, including private emails, cell phone calls, Google searches and other personal data.

There was a time when Americans still cared about matters such as personal privacy. Luckily, they now have iGadgets to keep them distracted as they hand over their last pieces of individuality to the Tzar of conformity.

 In four parts: read on….

Phi Beta Iota:  Neither NSA nor DHS are inherently evil — they are merely expensive, inept, and out of control.  They are staffed by good people who mean well, led by good people who mean well, but in the aggregate they are so unAmerican and unConstitutional as to deby belief that they could actually exist and thrive.

See Also:

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic (Reality Sandwich)

Eagle: Anguish Across America – The Chasm Deepens

Cultural Intelligence
300 Million Talons...

Below are just four among hundreds of anguished cries from the heart across America.  We really have no idea what to do, other than encourage non-violent non-partisan revolution against the corrupt two-party tyranny that represents everyone EXCEPT the public.

What is one to do when government does not govern Of, By, and For “We the People?”

Unplugging Americans From the Matrix (Paul Craig Roberts)

Israel Again and Again Slaps a Cowardly America (Veterans Today)

How Dare Russia Screw a Whistleblower the Way We Screw Our Own People

Global Endgame Calls For US Civil War

DefDog: Illegal DoD PSYOP Against US Media?

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military

They probably should’ve stuck with leaflets and greeting cards.

Note that there had been a scathing report on an Army Contractor……

USA Today: Online Pentagon Payback Campaign Targeted Us

WIRED, April 20, 2012

The U.S. military’s propaganda activities — known formally and euphemistically as “information operations” — has this week faced serious accusations of targeting Americans, a major infraction. According to USA Today, military personnel (or contractors) apparently took to the web to unleash a vitriolic, and embarrassingly transparent, smear campaign against two of the paper’s staff members. Why? Because they published a damning investigation of the military’s dubious propaganda campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.

USA Today reported on Thursday evening that a reporter and an editor, Tom Vanden Brook and Ray Locker, respectively, had been victims of a web campaign intent on damaging their professional reputations. Though the paper couldn’t confirm who was behind the attack, they’ve got their suspicions: It started shortly after the two staffers kicked off an investigation of the Pentagon’s own propaganda contractors.

The campaign included phony websites, dubious Wikipedia entries, Twitter accounts and message forum posts. All of which, according to the paper, have now been taken offline.

Continue reading “DefDog: Illegal DoD PSYOP Against US Media?”

Marcus Aurelius: Panetta Deceives Congress on Syria

Corruption, DoD, Military
Marcus Aurelius

US Defense Secretary: Pentagon Preparing to Aid in Syrian Conflict Critical News, Weather & Alerts

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a congressional panel on Thursday that the Pentagon is providing “nonlethal aid” to the civilian-led opposition in Syria and that it is preparing additional measures if it becomes necessary to help protect the Syrian people.

Amid concern from some members of the U.S. Congress that the United States might be planning a military intervention similar to one in Libya last year, Panetta said there are similarities, but also important differences in the two situations.

He testified before the House of Representatives' Armed Services Committee, saying the United States stands with the Syrian people.

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: Panetta Deceives Congress on Syria”

Howard Rheingold: SweetSearch for Students

04 Education, Advanced Cyber/IO
Howard Rheingold

About SweetSearch

SweetSearch is a Search Engine for Students.

It searches only the 35,000 Web sites that our staff of research experts and librarians and teachers have evaluated and approved when creating the content on findingDulcinea. We constantly evaluate our search results and “fine-tune” them, by increasing the ranking of Web sites from organizations such as the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, PBS and university Web sites.

SweetSearch helps students find outstanding information, faster. It enables them to determine the most relevant results from a list of credible resources, and makes it much easier for them to find primary sources. We exclude not only obvious spam sites, but also marginal sites that read well, but lack academic or journalistic rigor. As importantly, the very best Web sites that are often buried on other search engines appear on the first page of SweetSearch results.

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Mini-Me: Putting TS/SCI In Perspective – Need to Lose the Cement Overcoat of Excessive Classification and Excessive Corruption

Who? Mini-Me?

Battlefield Context

“If it is 85% accurate, on time, and I can share it, this is a lot more useful to me than a compendium of Top Secret Codeword materials that are too much, too late, and require a safe and three security officers to move around the battlefield.”  Navy Wing Commander who led the lead flight over Baghdad in Gulf I

Consequences of Excessive Secrecy & Corruption

“The danger is, you'll become something like a moron. You'll become incapable of learning from most people in the world, no matter how much experience they may have in their particular areas that may be much greater than yours.”  Daniel Ellsberg

“(There is a need) to recognize that just as the essence of knowledge is not as split up into academic disciplines as it is in our academic universe, so can intelligence not be set apart from statecraft and society, or subdivided into elements…such as analysis and estimates, counterintelligence, clandestine collection, covert action, and so forth. Rather, and as suggested earlier in this essay, intelligence is a scheme of things entire. And since it permeates thought and life throughout society, Western scholars must understand all aspects of a state's culture before they can assess statecraft and intelligence.”  Adda Bozeman

“Is what we are doing in accepting false numbers beyond the bounds of reasonable dishonesty?”  Sherman Kent

“Intelligence without communications is noise.”  Al Gray  “If you cannot communicate your intelligence to the person who needs it because it is over-classified and they do not have  the US rigamarole clearances, it is useless.”  DefDog

“Everybody who's a real practiioner, and I'm sure you're not all naive in this regard, realizes that there are two uses to which security classification is put: the legitimate desire to protect secrets, and the protection of bureaucratic turf. As a practitioner of the real world, it's about 90 bureaucratic turf, 10 legitimate protection of secrets as far as I am concerned.”  Rodley B. McDaniel, then Executive Secretary of the National Security Council

Phi Beta Iota:  In 1993 Robert Steele testified to the Presidential Commission on Secrecy and identified the “cement overcoat” of excessive secrecy.  Nothing has changed–indeed, it has gotten much worse.  To be effective, intelligence must be multinational and default to the secret level when dealing with plans and intentions, and to the unclassified level when dealing with context.  It takes balls as well as brains to come out from behind the green door of zero accountability and zero utility through excessive secrecy.

See Also:

1996 Hill Testimony on Secrecy

1996 Testimony to Moynihan Commisson

1993 TESTIMONY on National Security Information

Adda Bozeman, Strategic Intelligence and Statecraft: Selected Essays (Brassey's, 1998)

Kevin Drum, “Daniel Ellsberg on the Limits of Knowledge,”  Mother Jones, 27 February 2010

Daniel Ellsberg, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (Penguin, 2003)

Michael Hiam, Who the Hell Are We Fighting?: The Story of Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence Wars (Steerforth, 2006)

Thomas Coakley, C3i: Issues of Command and Control (National University Press, 1991)

Robert Steele, Open Source Intelligence: Private Sector Capabilities to Support DoD Policy, Acquisitions, and Operations (Federation of American Scientists, 5 May 1998)

Eagle: Mitt Romney – Jeb Bush Deal on The Table

Civil Society, Corruption, Government
300 Million Talons...

Jeb Bush: “I'd Consider the Vice Presidency.”

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says he'd consider running as vice president with Mitt Romney, but doubts he'll ever be asked.

Bush tells the conservative website Newsmax that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is “probably the best” choice to share the ticket with Romney, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. Bush said he hopes the freshman senator is offered the No. 2 slot and accepts it.

Rubio has said repeatedly that he isn't interested in leaving the Senate.

Bush said he'd consider running if Romney were to ask him. But the former governor added that he's not sure running for vice president is the right thing for him and said he's doubtful he'd even receive the call.

Includes Video with Bush Family sealing the deal — Walker Bush (43) is being kind to Romney by being invisible.

Read more / Watch Video

See Also:

Eagle: Mitt Romney Almost Certainly Committed Voter Fraud in 2008 – Could This Be Ron Paul’s Ticket to the High Table?