Open Source Everything
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ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT
THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-Steele
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TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS: All Opens Below Line Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost
Crowd-Funding / Social Funding
40Billion Announces Startup Superstar Business Plan Competition
Definitions: Crowd-Funding, Crowd-Sourcing, Crowd-Seeding
Call for submissions: Wood table top settings for Dillard's, Red Clay crowdsourcing launch
Crowd-Sourced 2013 Scion FR-S in the Works
Crowdsourcing spotlight: The Second Rat by Dustin M. Thomas
Lay’s Joins Growing Trend Of Brands Crowdsourcing Through Facebook
New Video: Crowdsourcing Explained by Common Craft
Pepsi’s Frito-Lay goes crowd sourcing
Fashion Crowdsourcing Turns Us All Into Designers, Retailers
TechScape: Turning On the Crowdsourcing Spigit
Ukritic Enables Users to Share Their Opinions on Revitol Anti-Aging Solution
24-25 Mar 2012 Boston LibrePlanet:Conference/2012 [Historical Content]
27-28 July 2012, Bangalore, The Fifth Elephant, Conference
18-21 Sep 2012 Orlando FL SUSE Conference
18-21 Sep 2012 Orlando FL SUSE Conference
24-25 Mar 2012 Boston LibrePlanet:Conference/2012 [Historical Content]
7 Zip Free Software Download : 7Zip (YouTube)
Judge Koh rejects Samsung's additional claim construction proposals ten days before trial
Manage Google Docs With LibreOffice
SUSE Remains The Leading LibreOffice Contributor
Open Source (General)
Great Open Source Map Tools For Web Developers
it’s time for open-source everything
Linux, Open Source & Ubuntu: OSCON 2012: The Open-Source Creative Engine Drives the Economy
Open Source For Me But Not For Thee
Open Access
(Canada) CSCanada Predatory Open Access
Hat Tip: “Starting an Open Access Journal: a step-by-step guide”
(India) Right policy needed for open access power
Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development
(Washington) Wilderness access road reopened near Darrington
Open Cloud
ARM rides open cloud computing testbed
Cloud Foundry and Open PaaS at OSCON
Open Collaboration
Hoorn: Unified theory of creativity – open collaboration
Open Communication
Medication Adherence:The Value of Open Communication
More on Open Communication from Dan Tapscott
Open Courseware / Open Education / Open Textbooks
Adoption of Open Textbooks (2009)
Evaluation and Comparison of Three Open Courseware Based on Quality Criteria
Hey, Kids, Meet Open Education
Open Badges elevator pitch (v0.1 alpha)
Open Education & Badges (part 1)
Open Culture
CEOs should lead corporate culture
Corporate culture: Open business culture – a promising direction for corporate governance
Saul Bass Gives Ma Bell a Complete Makeover, 1969
Open Cyber
Government calls on academia to train tomorrow's cyber security experts
Open Data / Open Repositories
2012: The Year We Embrace and Begin Implementation of Open Data in Palo Alto
27-28 July 2012, Bangalore, The Fifth Elephant, Conference
Black Duck Unveils Ohloh Open Data Initiative, Launches Beta Code Search Capability
Open Government Data Toolkit (Pre-Alpha Slides)
Open Governance / Open Government
(New Mexico) Pat Rogers resigns from open government group
(New Mexico) Pojoaque refuses release of documents
(New Mexico) Rogers resigns from sunshine group’s board
Open Government Data Toolkit (Pre-Alpha Slides)
Open Repositories Conference – Points of Interest to IRIOS2 Project
Stay up-to-date with upcoming Open Repositories Conferences
Open Hardware
Cpu-z & Open Hardware core clock question in Prime95
Open Innovation
Patent Reform Will Spell the End to Open Innovation
Revolutionize Your Products & Services: Forrester’s Playbook For Open Innovation
Open Knowledge
27-28 July 2012, Bangalore, The Fifth Elephant, Conference
OKFestival 2012: Travel Bursaries, Early Bird Tickets, Keynotes and Schedule
Open Life
Open Mapping
OSCON: Presenting on Open Source Mapping
Open Meetings
(New Mexico) Santa Fe city attorney: Fluoride vote might have violated open meeting rules
(Michigan) Mayor Martin Griffin responds to Open Meetings Act questions
Open Mobile
Apple’s App Discovery Lead On Google Is Shrinking, But Mobile Publishers Shouldn’t Be Too Worried
Open Records
(Delaware) Small towns face huge, new open-records burden
Massachusetts Criminal Records System Speeds Up
(Missouri) Franklin County Asked to Provide Credit Card, Cellphone Records
(North Carolina) NC Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton releases travel records
(Pennsylvania) PSU should have open records
(Wisconsin) Open records, test scores dominate discussion
Open Science
Building an Open Science Business (Video)
Open science: Data sharing is harder to reward
Open Security
Researchers criticise the iPhone's PIN storing practice
Open Skies
Saudi Arabia is moving toward an open skies policy
Open Society
Jens Stoltenberg interview: prime minister at the helm during Breivik shooting
Open Software
5 Reasons Why Commercial Software Companies Care About Open Source and Linux
Entity Framework Now Open Source
Google Corporate IT Builds Before Buying
Is NSA's Accumulo open source or Google knock-off?
Open-Source Goes Ultraportable With Dell Pre-Installed Ubuntu XPS 13 Offering
Valve & Intel Work On Open-Source GPU Drivers
Open Space
How many spaces to open in Open Space?
Open Standards
Insight into Linux-Based Enterprise Communications
True Cost
Subsidies, penalties, and the true cost of food
True cost of looking like Sophie Kalantzis from Ten's Reality show The Shire