Treating the Marathon Casualties: Inside One Boston Emergency Room
Ellen Harrell
TIME, 15 August 2013
Before long, they had set up a makeshift triage center in the lobby of the ER and began to treat the incoming — sewing up victims’ wounds and sending those with more-serious injuries through to be admitted. “We were prepared for waves of victims,” Feins told TIME, still wearing his scrubs outside his apartment near the hospital. “In the end, we worked on six people. Four had small lacerations, and we sewed them up.” Two other patients who had been in close proximity to the explosions complained of abdominal pain — a warning sign to Feins, who had been trained during his residency that explosive shock waves can cause internal trauma even if no shrapnel is present.
(PHOTOS: Marathon Carnage: Explosions in Boston)
Phi Beta Iota: We count exactly four apparently wounded in these photos. FOUR.
“In the end, we only saw a few minor injuries,” Feins says, “But I have a feeling that some patients were taken straight from the ambulances to the operating theater. I was told we had four, very busy operating theaters today.”
Phi Beta Iota: There has been no evidence — zero, zip, nada, rein — that all the claimed deaths, amputations, and injuries actually occurred. Journalists questioned on this matter back up very quickly, become prickly, and then go silent. Outside of the one now-famous double amputee vet who appears to be re-enacting for effect, there are ZERO pictures of people with severed limbs. Thousands of hand-held camaras and not a single picture? Professional photographers on hand and the best any one of them can do is a tiny number of people with no visible serious wounds? Virtually no photographs of ambulances? No one is doing their job. All the checks and balances are broken.
See Also:
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Berto Jongman: Red Flag – Threat to Obama, Biden as President?
Daniel Ellsberg: On Secrecy & Whistleblowing with Comment by Robert Steele
Dolphin: Intelligent Life on West Coast — Citizen Comment Slays Corporate Media
Graphic: Human Information Pathologies
Henry Kissinger: “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
John Maguire: Media Spectacle and America’s Withered Circle of Empathy
John Maguire: YouTube (7:34) When False Flags Don’t Fly
Kevin Barrett: Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?
Mini-Me: Boston Media Manipulation, Known Veteran Double-Amputee Brought in as Actor
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Owl: Boston False Flag and Its Aftermath — Anomalies!
Owl: YouTube (5:50): Suspects Leave WITH Backpacks, Craft KR Flee WITHOUT Backpacks
Patrick Meier: Boston Bombing — Social Media Role
Paul Craig Roberts: Boston Bombing as Dry Run for Martial Law and Major Metropolis Lock-Down 1.1
Rickard Falkvinge: Government Terrorizes Boston — Say What?
Stephen Lendman: Anatomy [History] of a [USA] False Flag
Reference: 100 Critical Points About 9/11
SchwartzReport: Whistleblowing is Treason
Theophillis Goodyear: Evidence Mounts of FBI Treason in Boston Bombing
Theophillis Goodyear: The Latest Boston Cover Story — Baloney! — UPDATE 1.2