Funny how stuff gets around. More than one source is talking about Dimona, Israel as the ideal “proportionate response” from Russia with love… Not sure why the French are allowing false stories about chemical weapons use by Assad — and we all continue to worry about Israel and the neo-cons simulating Iranian attacks on US targets, the last thing they would be doing right now when all the cards are in their favor.
We are All Russians Now (author unknown)
Veterans Today, 27 Monday 2013
Will Putin Save The World From Israel?

Shortly after Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, the murdered family of Tzar Nicholas was beatified. Until quite recently, the centers of Jewish power had hoped to preserve some idealized memories of the murderous Soviet system in the minds of the Russians, but it turned out to be a vain hope.
Because Bolshevism was formulated and executed by Jews, their power centers had retained fond hopes of being able some day to reconnect and reinstall some sort of Jewish lobby leverage in the Kremlin. These fond hopes were dashed by Vladimir Putin.
By the end of 2008, the Russians were expected to decide between two ideological systems: between Communism as represented by Stalin and his fanatical band of murderous Cheka Jews or the conservative and traditional values of old-fashioned Tzarism. Until quite recently, Stalin had remained slightly ahead of Tzar Nicholas II. “Then, however, the Tzar mysteriously pulled ahead.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, page 1)
After that, no further choice was necessary.

No one provokes me with impunity
The Jewish Lobby was of course hoping that a Tzarist cult would never rise again. Given that the Tzar had been the great adversary of the Bolshevik Jews, the Jewish Lobby did all it could to blacken the reputation of the Tsars. Now however, the Russians again see in Tzar Nicholas II a kind of savior who, like Jesus Christ, had made an enemy of the Jews and had suffered martyrdom.
[LD: Having read these significant and portentous words, Pope Paul VI decided to ignore them completely and repudiate 2000 years of Christian doctrine. On October 28, 1965, with the publication of Nostra Aetate (‘In Our Age’), the Holy Father exonerated the Jews completely from collective ethnic guilt for the killing of Jesus Christ, making the Catholic Church, in the opinion of many conservative Catholics, subservient to the synagogue.
It was not long after this theological volte-face by the Catholic Church that Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman told the world what she thought of the Pope's historic U-turn: “I hope the Jews DID kill Christ! I’d fucking do it again — in a second!”
In the same way that the Jews killed Jesus Christ and later tried to pin the blame on Pontius Pilate, they killed Tzar Nicholas II and his entire family and tried to pretend they had nothing to do with it. You will look in vain for any Jewish admission of guilt on this score, either in school history books or in the mainstream media.
Fortunately, we now know the identities of the six Jewish assassins who were involved in this historic crime. In overall charge of the operation was the Jew Sverdlov. He had five Jewish henchman — Yurovsky, Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov — who not only took part in the actual murder of the family but are reported to have sexually violated the Tsar’s four beautiful daughters, described here as “these pure, enchanting young girls.”
The mass murder itself, as we now know from documentary evidence, was carried out on the executive orders of Lenin who was at least one-quarter Jewish — a fact that had hitherto been carefully concealed. Even Churchill had been bamboozled into believing that Lenin was a gentile. — LD]
Following on the heels of the organized collapse of the Soviet Union, the global Jewish Lobby was able to install Boris Yeltsin in the Kremlin. Once they had seized control of Russia’s natural resources, they believed they could rule forever, or at least as long as they were operating under the protection of the US military forces. Not only did they control the military bloodhound Amerika, which they could let loose against any country that became troublesome; they also controlled Russia, whose energy resources they wished to exploit so as to enslave the entire planet. Yeltsin deliberately allowed the Russian military forces to disintegrate. Rapidly.
In the early 1990s, the Arab media did a detailed investigation of Yeltsin, the degenerate drunkard whom the Jewish Lobby had installed as their puppet. Extraordinary new facts came to light. They discovered that Yeltsin was a crypto-Jew. His real name was actuallyJelzman.
On 28 November 1992 the newspaper Al Arab, which is published in London, made the following announcement on its front page: “The name change was decided upon at the 20th Party Congress. Yeltsin is a Jew. Risselov, a member of the Volksunion, revealed that the family name of President Yeltsin was Jelzman, a German Jewish name. The 20th Party Congress then decided to change the family name of Boris Jelzman to Yeltsin. The reason given for this change was that the Russian people would be afraid of the name Jelzman since his grandfather Jelzman had murdered thousands of Russians under Beria.”
Amazing to think that this grandson of a Cheka Jew, who had helped to murder thousands of Russian Christians after the Bolshevik Revolution, should suddenly find himself as top dog of the Kremlin — a Jew pretending to be a gentile.
LD: Beria’s Jewish ethnicity remains in doubt. No mainstream historian has ever claimed that Beria—a child sex killer who buried children in his basement—was a Jew. If Beria were Jewish, this would certainly be kept under wraps.
Everything had seemed to be going well for the Lobby. Then, out of a clear blue sky, Vladimir Putin’s coup occurred.
He deposed the terrible Jelzman-Yeltsin. Today, Yeltsin’s Jewish background is openly discussed even in the establishment press, where as he is described as having “converted to Christianity”. For example, on page 1 of its issue of 17 July 2008, Die Welt refers to “Boris Yeltsin, the Communist who later converted to Christianity.”
When they brutally murdered the Tzar’s family in Yekaterinburg on the night of 17 July 1918 in the house of the engineer Ipatjev, the Bolsheviks unwittingly established “a cult that, 90 years later, is still as strong as ever.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, p. 1) This was true even though Jelzman did everything in his power to erase the memory of the Tzar from Russian consciousness. “Boris Yelzin even had the Ipatjev house demolished without being able to stop the growing fondness for the Tzar in Russia.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, page 1).
According to an eyewitness report of the massacre:
The Tzarina complained to [Jewish] Commandant Yurovski about the empty room in which they were held and she requested two chairs. Yurovski then had two chairs brought in, on which the Tzarina and her ill son Alexi sat down. Yurovski ordered the other family members to stand in two rows behind mother and son, then brought in the execution detail. Yurovski informed the Tzar that the government had ordered their execution and therefore, he was now going to shoot them. The Tzar said nothing except the words “Father, forgive them, for they know what they do”, as Jesus said on the Cross.
Then Commandant Yurovski shot him. The other soldiers shot Nicholas as well, and he died immediately. Then the firing squad began shooting wildly to kill all the other members of the family. When the shooting was over, Alex and three of his sisters were still alive and lying wounded on the floor. The bullets that were fired at the girls seemed to have been deflected. The soldiers then began bayoneting the victims. However, the bayonets became stuck in the girls’ bodices. This was because, during internment in Alexander Palace, the children and lady-in-waiting, Anna Demidova, had sewed a large number of the family jewels and diamonds into a pillow and the girls’ bodices. On the evening they were murdered they were wearing these bodices, and in addition, Demidova attempted to deflect the bullets with the pillow. For this reason the execution lasted about 20 minutes until the last member of the family was dead.
After the murders, Yurovski attempted to erase all traces of the crime.” (See here)
[LD: After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and took refuge with his family in a house in Yekaterinburg. The Tzar, his wife, his son, his four daughters, his servants and family doctor were all killed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of July 17, 1918. It has since been confirmed that Lenin ordered the clandestine killings from Moscow.
Veteran British journalist Robert Wilton explains in his cult classic, The Fall of the Romanovs, how the murder of the Tsar and his family was orchestrated entirely by Jews:
“The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indeliby impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yurovsky, is the act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.” Robert Wilton, The Fall of the Romanovs, p.148. — LD]

The last of the Romanovs, Tsar Nicholas II and his family, brutally murdered by the Jews
[LD: After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and took refuge with his family in a house in Yekaterinburg. The Tzar, his wife, his son, his four daughters, his servants and family doctor were all killed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of July 17, 1918. It has since been confirmed that Lenin ordered the clandestine killings from Moscow.
Veteran British journalist Robert Wilton explains in his cult classic, The Fall of the Romanovs, how the murder of the Tsar and his family was orchestrated entirely by Jews:
“The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indeliby impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yurovsky, is the act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.” Robert Wilton, The Fall of the Romanovs, p.148. — LD]
According to a report released by Archbishop Wikenti on 17 July 2008, around 40,000 persons took part in a religious procession from Yekaterinburg to an abandoned mineshaft some 18 kilometers distant. The bodies of Tzar Nicholas, his German wife Alexandra and their five children had been carried to that place after they had been shot by their Jewish murderers in the night of 17 July 1918 in Yekaterinburg.
Phi Beta Iota: The Jewish “nation” is fiction. The Jewish “race” is fiction. What is real is an extraordinary persistent network that integrates multiple forms of secret society while leveraging a vast range of “sayonim” (helpers to Israel, traitors to their own countries) who have no idea they are contributing to the genocide of the Palestinians, and the financial and political and cultural subversion of multiple countries. We have reposted the entire alternative history as a convenience to our readers who dislike clicking through.
According to a report released by Archbishop Wikenti on 17 July 2008, around 40,000 persons took part in a religious procession from Yekaterinburg to an abandoned mineshaft some 18 kilometers distant. The bodies of Tzar Nicholas, his German wife Alexandra and their five children had been carried to that place after they had been shot by their Jewish murderers in the night of 17 July 1918 in Yekaterinburg.
In conjunction with the memorial service for the Romanovs, copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion — an alleged “forgery” setting out uncannily accurate plans and predictions for Jewish world domination — were offered for sale. Large numbers of printed pamphlets were distributed along with the Protocols. The printed materials were entitled “Why we hate the Jewish Mafia”. They posed the question “Is This Xenophobia or Self Defense?”
The student Ivan Kolsev, 20, who had wrapped himself in a Tzarist banner, expressed the opinion of many when he said “Democracy has no future — we are returning to monarchy!” On the banner was written “In honor of Russia: for Tzar and Fatherland.” [Agence France-Presse (AFP), 28 July 2008.]
The new Tzarist cult is more than a revolution, it is the rebirth of the Russian nation after all the suffering the Bolsheviks inflicted on it. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez expressed this view during his visit to Moscow at the end of July 2008: “Venezuela takes note of the rebirth of Russia with great and affectionate attention.” (Die Welt, 23 July 2008, p. 5)
President Medvedev then expressed sincere appreciation to President Chavez for his heartfelt interest. Since his first day as President of Russia, it has been Putin’s principal goal to enable Russia’s reawakening. He and his allies have always had a clear picture of the people who murdered the Romanovs along with 55 million other Russians.
It was always clear to Putin that the Jewish oligarchs — these unparalleled parasites — had one primary aim: to suck Russia dry and annihilate it for all time.
A Kremlin politician close to Putin was quoted as saying about the then most influential Jews: “Boris Beresovski and Vladimir Gussinski are like bacteria that establish themselves in diseased bodies, but then die when the bodies grow healthy again.” [Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), 2 April 2002.] This statement reminds us of a passage from Chapter 11 of Mein Kampf: “The Jew is and will remain the eternal parasite, a freeloader that, like a malignant bacterium, spreads rapidly whenever a growth medium is made available to it.”
Vladimir Gussinski was the head of the Jewish Central Committee in Russia as well as chairman of the Jewish World Congress. After fleeing Russia for refuge in Israel, he stated to the world press that in Russia, “a new state ideology against the West is to be feared… It has many anti-Jewish characteristics.” He called the then Russian president, Vladimir Putin, an “extreme anti Semite and secret admirer of Hitler.” (Spiegel, 25/2000, p. 180).
[LD: Gussinski is apparently unaware that the Zionists and Nazis had made a secret pact in World War II; nor does he seem to know or care that the same genocidal policies Hitler is accused of pursuing against the Jews are precisely the same murderous policies being applied right now by Israel against the Palestinian people. One must never forget this: that the Jews are engaged in systematic genocide, at this very moment, in Occupied Palestine. — LD]
For the Russians, the Jews are guilty of having killed the emissaries of God when they murdered the Romanov family, since the family has now been beatified. “Just as they once crucified Jesus,” said a participant in the memorial services. “Nicholas and Alexandra were our father and mother. They were like Russia’s parents,” said one of the bystanders among the faithful. Another participant in the memorial mass expressed enthusiasm for the return of the Tzarism: “The Tzar is God’s chosen on Earth — we musthave a Tzar!” (AFP 17 July 2008.)
Russian schools now teach that it was Jews who murdered the Tzar’s family. This is probably the reason why even Wikipedia has begun reporting that the murderers were Jews, a fact that could not be mentioned in former times. “On 4 July 1918, the Cheka took over guarding the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg. They were accompanied by Jakov Yurovski… Yurovski was a Jew.” (Wikipedia). Two additional Jewish assassins who joined the Yurovski murderers were Alexander Belobarodov and Filip Goloschtschokin.
Today the Russians weep when they think of that horrible crime.
“Only Jews would have been capable of such a bloodthirsty crime,” stated a participant in the memorial mass in front of the Church of the Blood that was held in Yekaterinburg in 2008.
[LD: It must never be forgotten that the Jews, according to Russian author Solzhenitsyn, killed at least 66 million Russian Christians between 1917 and 1953 during Stalin’s reign of terror.
The same Jews now rule the Western world, both in America and Europe, from their seat in Israel. So we need to be very careful lest they start getting genocidal ideas again.
Next time it could be us. — LD]

[LD: Israel has recently launched a devastating attack on Syria in breach of international law and with the full blessings of America. Russia has just moved part of its Pacific fleet into the Mediterranean, for the first time in decades, in an attempt to forestall any further attempts by the Israeli aggressors to destabilize the Middle East.
Vladimir Putin is aware that if Israel is allowed to attack Syria again with impunity, it will sooner or later pluck up the courage to attack Iran, knowing that America will be forced to come to its rescue. Putin cannot allow this. It would be a sign of unforgivable weakness, leading to Russia's encirclement and final ruin.
Putin also knows that one lethal, nuclear-tipped missile aimed at Dimona would teach the Israelis a lesson they would never forget.
Putin needs to save the world from Israel.
We are all Russians now. — LD]
Phi Beta Iota: The time has come to cut Israel off from all US taxpayer funding and all US military support. The US (and NATO) need to get their own house in order, starting with the restoration of ethical evidence-based decision-support for Whole of Government. The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.
Target Dimona Israel
Google Images / Dimona, Israel
See Also:
2008 Rebalancing the Instruments of National Power (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
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