We’re playing around. None of the RSS / curation offerings are satisfactory.

01 Poverty. Public Policy and Poverty Reduction in Sudan, 1971-2002
02 Infectious Disease. Coping With Infectious Disease
03 Environmental Degradation.
04 Inter-State Conflict. Global War on Christians the ‘Elephant in the Room'
05 Civil War. The world’s revolutions [infographic]
06 Genocide. The Act of Killing: all about Indonesian genocide
07 Other Atrocities. Central African Muslims seek safety in Cameroon
08 Proliferation. Nuclear Agency Faulted in Nonproliferation Cost Overruns
09 Terrorism. Syria offers to cooperate with Lebanon on terrorism
10 Transnational Crime. Britain to post ‘slavery' spotters at airports
01 Agriculture. Water issues lead the day at Kansas Commodity Classic
02 Diplomacy. Abbas, in Paris: U.S. peace efforts serious, but lacking
03 Economy. Climate change and circular economy take centre stage at Davos
04 Education. Is outdoor education the way of the future?
05 Energy. Despite New Plants, Nuclear Future Still Decades Away
06 Family. Pope Francis: Family Is Essential to Future of Humanity
07 Health. New global health strategy up for public consultation
08 Immigration. SWITZERLAND: Voters Approve New Immigration Restrictions
09 Justice. Justice issues new rules for seizing reporter records
10 Security. Sumo Logic introducing Machine Data Security Intelligence
11 Society. Society’s iniquity rooted in a single lie
12 Water. Drought-hit farmers in California won't get federal water
01 Brazil. Brazil pledges $18.5 bn cuts in effort to woo investors
02 China. China and emerging markets may be due for a ‘melt up’
03 Cuba. Cuba joins contenders for Panama Canal trans-shipment business
04 Ecuador. Ecuador-Netherlands waste management
05 India. India seeks security for Rome mission after hate mails
06 Indonesia. China, India and Indonesia–Building Trust Amidst Hostility
07 Iran. Iran’s Judiciary Closes a New Pro-Government Newspaper
08 Nigeria. Nigeria’s loss to fake drug imports
09 Russia. Russia Ousting U.S. Official Accused Of Being CIA Spy
10 Saudi Arabia. ‘Saudi Arabia key sponsor of terrorism’
11 Turkey. Turkey prepares to assume G-20 term presidency
12 Veneuzela. Venezuela: it’s the opposition that’s anti-democratic