An essay from a trusted reader. One could also ask if heads of state without children might be more likely to be murderous pedophiles and adherents to Satanic ritual groups.
They have no kids. The heads of state in Europe, Japan, India, Afghanistan and Algeria have NO kids. Large and populous countries but… no sense of urgency nor duty to anyone. They exist in a vacuum. They rule in a vacuum.
May-UK, Gentiloni-Italy, Lofven-Sweden, Macron-France, Merkel-Germany, Brettel-Luxembourg, Sturgeon-Scotland, Junker-EC, Rutte-Netherland, Abe-Japan and Modi-India; none of them has children. Nor does Kurz from Austria (31 years old! Is Austria insane?), Ghani from Afghanistan or Bouteflika from Algeria.
14 heads of substantial states without kids…
Where is their vested interest in the future of their own people and their nation, let alone Earth and all its species? No sense of continuity, no sense of duty, no moral sense. Their primary motivation is… themselves! Is it any wonder they do not stand up to Washington? Caving in to Washington means immediate pleasure and little trouble ahead, if any. Standing up to it means… pain in the short term, for them.
No one dear enough to fight for. “After me the big flood”, “The buck stops at… me!”
It may look like nothing but it is unprecedented in known human history. Man always has someone to fight for: a family, a clan, a village, a country. Not this time. No one worthy enough to die for in the name of righteousness and justice.
Might that explain the lack of Abe's interest in resolving Fukushima or even acknowledging the extent of the damages? Europe's suicidal immigration policies? Modi's insane economic policies? Ghani's blind eye on poppy fields and CIA's drug trafficking? Kurz lack of spine in front of the immigrants' invasion? Bouteflika's abandonment of his own people? (The Algerian people don't even know if he is still alive…)
When one has no one to fight for and is an end to oneself, does one has someone or something to fight against? Does one even know the difference?
Trump, Putin, Xi and Khamenei have children, some of them even grandchildren. They have a common, vested interest in the future. Will that be enough to stop the insanity Zionist-owned Washington is endeavoring to throw us all into?