Yoda: Monsanto is Totally Screwed (and Bayer Too), Exxon & Big Oil May Start to Lose Lawsuits

01 Poverty, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media

Bayer Needs More Than an Aspirin to Cure Its Monsanto-Sized Headache

PBI: Bayer's German CEO is delusional and should be fired soon.  Monsanto is dead.  Although judge reduced award to $70M or so, there are thousands more lawsuits that will be won against Monsanto.


New York Sues Exxon Mobil, Saying It Deceived Shareholders on Climate Change

PBI: This is a variation of the tobacco campaign that took decades. It will not be over anytime soon.  It is also a classic illustration of what happens when companies are allowed to ignore true cost economics (because government, academia, and media were corrupt and bribed to not do true cost economics), thus externalizing unrecoverable costs to future generations — costs that include the loss of diversity and human health from pollution and climate change.


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