Election 2020 – Week to 5 May 2019

Cultural Intelligence

Sunday, 5 May 2019 — Praise be to God!

Big Picture. President continues to ignore social media platforms flagrantly violating 1st Amendment and Title 7. President continues to ignore the growing effort to rig the election in favor of coastal voters against all the states in the middle of the United STATES of America.  The President is failing to lead on election reform and failing to educate voters on the twelve ways in which the current system is rigged by the two parties to disenfranchise 70% of all voters. Zionist false flag operations in the USA continue with the complicity of the police. $5M will be spent on billboards doing 9/11 disclosure that will fry the Zionists and batter the President if he does not throw them down by 4 July 2020. No candidate is objecting to 5G which is a genocidal and ecocidal technology. Trump may have a leapfrog solution, but Verizon's plans to electromagnetically pollute 20 more cities should be stopped, not allowed to continue.

Candidates. Biden is a joke as well as an alleged pedophile. A parody website is top hit for his name, his official website is invisible. Net net: more people are laughing at Joe Biden than are likely to vote for him.

Down-Ticket Impact. Democrats appear bent on self-destruction with endless hearings that will inevitably turn the swing vote against them. This could and should have a down-ticket impact, especially if Republicans field veterans — real veterans, not the piss-ants culled by the Democrats — for every office.

Demographics.  Firefighters, a vital part of the first responder community, appears to be leaning toward Joe Biden, against whom pedophile allegations have been made. This comes as child pornography is increasingly found among first responders, part of a probably programming campaign intended to immunize elite pedophiles from enforcement — it has worked up to now.

Election Reform/Electoral College.

Fake News.


Issues.  Food security is creeping up there,. Beto O'Rourke has helped.  Biden has one real and good issue: rebuilding the middle class.  Coming from Delaware, home and protector of the Deep State corporate structure, he has zero crediblity on that issue.  Health care remains a top issue and Trump is not safe on that issue.

Kushner Liability.


Voter Fraud.

Zionist Influence on USA.


Big Picture.

Are Google and Facebook really suppressing conservative politics?

Twitter ‘Shadow Bans' Affect Some Conservative Leaders but Not Their Liberal Counterparts

Twitter Permanently Banned Conservative Pundit Jesse Kelly

Facebook wades deeper into censorship debate as it bans ‘dangerous' accounts

Want to Fix Presidential Elections? Here’s the Quickest Way. Abolishing the Electoral College and creating a national popular vote are far-fetched ideas for now. But there’s a more targeted way to reform American elections by 2020—starting with the swing states.

Verizon Announces 20 More U.S. Cities to Get 5G Despite Telecom Admitting No Studies Say It’s Safe, Widespread Opposition, 5G Failure, and Future Lawsuits

Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent


A parody website with embarrassing photos of Joe Biden is outranking his official campaign page on Google

Down-Ticket Impact.

Trump approval highest in two years in CNN poll

Democrats weigh a ‘Benghazi Trump’ strategy


Trump fires off dozens of retweets over firefighters union supporting Biden

Election Reform/Electoral College.

Fake News.



More Americans are likely to oppose Trump in the 2020 elections because of his handling of health care, poll says

Joe Biden, in first Iowa visit, says his ‘north star' is rebuilding the middle class

Beto O'Rourke: ‘Farm-To-Table Restaurants In Every Community' Would Solve ‘Food Desert' Crisis

Kushner Liability.


Voter Fraud.

Zionist Influence on USA.

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT DAVID STEELE is the founder of #UNRIG: Unity through Integrity (Election Reform Act Proposed). A former spy for the CIA and the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, he is  today the CeO of Earth Intelligence Network (501c3) and Open Source Everything, Inc. (C Corp). He focuses on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the public interest, not to be found within the US Government; on election reform; and on elite pedophilia as the scourge that has allowed the Zionists, using tools such as , to subvert the Congress, Executive, Judiciary, and media of the USA. Avocationally he in interested in off-shore sailing, racketball, and reading — he is the top reviewer in English for non-fiction, with over 2,500 reviews posted across 97 categories of non-fiction (1 of fiction). His life’s work is free online at https://robertdavidsteele.com.

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