Julian Assange On The War On Free Speech: “Everyone Else Must Take My Place”
I am defenseless. I am unbroken, albeit literally surrounded by murderers, but, the days where I could read and speak and organize to defend myself, my ideals, and my people are over until I am free!Everyone else must take my place.
The US government, or rather, those regrettable elements in it that hate truth, liberty and justice, want to cheat their way into my extradition and death, rather than letting the public hear the truth, for which I have won the highest awards in journalism and have been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace Prize. Truth, ultimately, is all we have. –Julian Assange
Phi Beta Iota: War is peace, lies are truth, rape is love, genocide is good. This is what we have become. Whatever his minor issues, like our very own President Donald Trump, Julian Assange is an epic champion for humanity at its best.
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