Arugah. Below the fold are the questions I will answer on video Saturday at 1 pm Eastern, I will do these in 30 minutes and then do impromptu questions via chat for the second thirty minutes. Sign up at The Steele Report if you wish. Those enjoying the 4th will find the private video archived forever at The Steele Report. We have a form for subscribers to shape both the Monday text report and the Saturday video engagement. Subscribe if you wish to influence, and thank you — earnings keep PBI free.
1. I am an Aussie…who do you think are the Bad Actors within our Government and Higher Social structures ?
2. How does the Deep State work/collaborate with China? What agreements do they have? Can you go in-depth just a bit?
3. Hey Robert, is there any talk about plans to restore the gold standard? If so, I am wondering if the tax code will have to be redone, because it is generally structured for business and investors to take on debt.
4. What is your view of setting up citizen groups of communications networks based upon the Neighborhood Watch concept created in the 1970s to combat crime? I think with video conferencing and good communications, patriots across the country can network and keep an eye on things if this chaos of violence continues for some time.
5. Can you give a list of people convicted at military tribunals and their sentences? Guesses?
6. Do you think Qanon is valid?…or some kind of psy op that has a negative agenda?
7. Is it true that guillotines are being set-up around the country to behead conservatives, christians etc?
8. In your opinion is wikileaks still valid or has it been compromised? And what is going on with Assange?
9. It seems clear that the current narratives of COVID and BLM are going to be milked as much as possible through election day. I also foresee even greater civil unrest just before and after the election due to food shortages and reactions to the impending indictments and evidence to be presented. Please elaborate your perspective in detail.
10. Have you heard of this bloke King John III aka Joseph Gregory Hallett, The Hidden King? Thoughts?
11. What three things must Trump do to secure the Mother of All Landslides in the face of total corruption of both the Democratic and Republican parties?
12. I dont have a question. I just wanted to say that I'm honored to be a part of the fight for our freedom. I'm a medically retired Army vet and I have always felt an obligation to seek and expose the truth. The road was lonely at times. But, I thank God for true patriots like yourself, that are willing to expose the vast corruption to improve America the great.