1. Stick to the Commons: as a goal and a practice
2. Create syntony on the goal
3. People’s needs first
4. Keep an eye on interoperability and use web technology
5. Contribute to the Federated Commons
6. Provide open access
7. Use free software
8. Self-host your infrastructure
9. Build on open technology standards
10. Make sure you really own your data
11. Use free open data licenses
12. Guarantee the openness of taxonomies
13. Make the Data Commons thrive through your usage
14. Care for your Data Commons
15. Protect the ‚maps & atlasses commons‘ legally as commons
16. Crowdsource your mapping
17. Remember always why you are making the map and who you are making it for.
18. Archive the map when it doesn’t work anymore for you.
Read full post with expansions for each of the above.