UPDATE 1: Lisa Page To Teach College Course On How To Make Yourself Out To Be A Victim
“The way Page had an affair and then conspired with her lover to sabotage a democratic election and THEN made herself out to be the victim — that's the kind of expertise we look for here at our prestigious university,” said a spokesperson. “This is the sort of 4D chess we need to teach our students.”
Harvard staff praised Page for harnessing the left's hate against Trump and using it to generate sympathy for herself.
“See how she didn't take any responsibility for her wrongdoings, but instead managed to blame patriarchy, misogyny, and President Trump for everything? She's clearly a pro.”
Disgraced congresswoman Katie Hill will co-teach the class.”
Two minute fake orgasm video below the fold.
Phi Beta Iota: Poor Lisa … a victim rather than a traitor?
Reference: Outraged By Trump's Fake Orgasm, Lisa Page Gives ‘Teen Vogue'-Tier Pre-FISA Interview