Posted on May 19, 2012
Greeting, my name is Bren-Ton. Those of us aboard Athabantian wish to convey the following.
We believe that a major geological event for your planet may occur within the next few days. It will be centered off the Northwestern coast of the United States. It is an event similar to that which you, Mark, described in your book “Decimal.” It will affect the coast and somewhat further inland. We can not predict the full affects of this undersea movement.
Conditions appear to be such that a major disruption could occur along the edge of the Juan de Fuga Plate where it intersects the Pacific Plate, many miles off the coast. There are stresses building there that may cause an earthquake of some magnitude and a resulting tsunami — if they are released in a violent manner. There is the possibility that they may be released more gradually and little will be disrupted. It is not clear to us how things will proceed from this point forward.
It is a natural phenomenon that is part of Earth’s adjustment of her physical form. It involves no nuclear reactor such as was the case off Japan, and because it is a natural, we are not allowed to interfere.
We know, Mark, that you are very reluctant to publish this communication. However we do not wish to delay this warning for those who might be affected.
Blessings for all from those of us aboard Athabantian.
Phi Beta Iota: Our general view is that Epoch A is ending and Epoch B is beginning in 2012, and that 2012 is a pivot year for humanity and for the Earth, generally toward a better world, one that works for all. There will be many challenges across the core domains (political/military, socio-economic, ideo-cultural, techno-demographic, and natural-geographic. From resilience, panarchy.
By way of context, below is from the FAQ section of the website:
Q: Will we have a period of chaos as a part of this transformation?
A: No one knows for sure the extent of the chaos — earth changes, extreme weather, and human dislocation — due to the transformation to the 4th Dimension. We do know that all the structures created by 3rd Dimension humans — governments, monetary systems, banks, corporations, medical systems, history, and religions — will go away. We have been advised to prepare for some level of dislocation by storing water and food and by obtaining adequate shelter. I personally believe that this dislocations will be lessened by the actions of highly conscious humans who are working to smooth the transition.
See Also:
Graphic: Epoch B Swarm Leadership
Graphic: Maps of the Post Flood Future Geography
Graphic: Strategic Trends (Negative)
Graphic: Strategic Trends (Positive)
Graphic: Strategy for a Prosperous World at Peace