Law Enforcement: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Criminal Intelligence Training for Analysts
Analysis, Analysis, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement, UN/NGOWe really like this example of mutlinational handbooks, since they were developed using multiple sources (U.S. and other countries), and not restricted, and global in nature….not U.S. centric.
Law Enforcement: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Criminal Intelligence Training for Front-Line Officers
Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement, UN/NGOWe really like this example of mutlinational handbooks, since they were developed using multiple sources (U.S. and other countries), and not restricted, and global in nature….not U.S. centric.
Law Enforcement: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Criminal Intelligence Training for Managers
Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement, UN/NGOWe really like this example of mutlinational handbooks, since they were developed using multiple sources (U.S. and other countries), and not restricted, and global in nature….not U.S. centric.
Analysis, HUMINT, Military, OSINT Generic, UN/NGO
2001 |
Training | OSS & SACLANT | NATO OSINT Handbook |
2002 |
Training | SACLANT & OSS | NATO OSINT Reader |
2002 |
Training | SACLANT | NATO Intelligence Exploitation of the Internet |
2004 Special Operations Forces OSINT Handbook (Strawman)
Military, OSINT Generic, Stabilization1998 Open Source Intelligence Executive Overview (Handbook)
Intelligence (Collective & Quantum), Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), OSINT Generic
2004 |
US |
Training | Steele | OSINT Executive Overview (Contents) in RTF |
2004 |
US |
Training | Steele | OSINT Executive Overview (Cover) in RTF |
2004 |
US |
Training | Steele | OSINT Executive Overview (Contents) in Word Doc |
2004 |
US |
Training | Steele | OSINT Executive Overview (Cover) in Word Doc |