Tom Atlee: What Does Sense-Making Mean? Part 4

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

What does “making sense” mean? (Sense-making – Part 4)

The phrase “it makes sense” has a lot going on in it, most of which we don’t pay much attention to… and that can create problems. I explore what that’s about and how to watch out for “confirmation bias” – the big booby trap in personal and group sense-making. I then dig underneath a similarly problematic phrase – “common sense” – questioning how common “common sense” usually is. Finally, I look at what might be involved in actually discovering or developing a collective sense of things that is common enough for all of us to use together.

Part 1   –   Part 2   –   Part 3

See Also: Tom Atlee @ Phi Beta Iota

J. C. Cole: Gray Swans – December 2020 — Civil War?

01 Agriculture, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

American Gray Swans – December 2020

The approaching Civil War!

So now we have another approaching predicted Gray Swan possibly landing in America – a Civil War. I am not sure if anyone has thought this out, but because of the fragility of our existing supply chain if we go to a Civil War even the food and energy producing states will be cut off from needed supplies. A Civil War would be the kiss of death for America, which might be why somebody is trying hard to start one.

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#UNRIG Video (9:03) President Trump Will NOT Concede, All Winning Cards Including Insurrection Act in Play

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, and Full-Screen Viewing

Seven aces: Assange, Epstein, Snowden, two laptops, NSA declass, Military Tribunals (new AG), Insurrection Act/nationalize media after arresting the treasonous asshole owners, editors, and writers/anchors.

DefDog: The Globalist Agenda Quotes

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Worthy of close study.

The Globalist Agenda Quotes


“What is important is to dwell upon the increasing evidence of the existence of a secret conspiracy, throughout the world, for the destruction of organized government and the letting loose of evil.”

Christian Science Monitor editorial, June 19th, 1920

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

Prince Phillip of England, Reported by Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988.

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Robert Steele: Great Reset Mind-Control Plan in 47 Pages

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Originally an update to Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1, decided it needed its own post.

The below PDF is the original seriously slick bull-shit  that the 1% thought would fly. Thiink of this as the retarded dwarf version (Klaus Schwab + Greta  Thunberg) of what is now call Inclusive Capitalism (Lynn Rothschild and the Pope in drag).

PDF  (47 Pages): The Great Reset Original Propaganda and Control Concept

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Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Zero Hedge: Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism”, Signs Partnership With The Vatican

ROBERT STEELE: This is a “who's who” for the 1% and this is the most dangerous alliance to be created in modern time. It must be killed early and its individual “leaders” removed from public life forevermore. I noticed it in 2014.

Doug Casey's International Man: You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy

Council for Inclusive Capitalism (Lynn Rothschild in drag)

Council for Inclusive Capitalism and the Vatican (Pope in drag)

Continue reading “Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1”