Robert Steele: Five Levels of Play in 5D Chess

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

5D Chess — what are the five levels being played?

I believe the following five levels of play are all active right now, and President Trump is one of the few to understand all five levels and also be to playing all five levels.  I believe that President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary Xi Jinping are also playing all five levels, in harmoney with DJT.

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Robert Steele: Stages of Intellectual Growth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Stages of Intellectual Growth

I was asked by a subscriber to share in a searchable (findable) form my seven levels of intellectual development as I have experienced them. Here they are.

  1. Truth assumed to be Default
  2. Lies known to be Default
  3. Consciousness is a Force for Good
  4. Everything is Energy in Some Form
  5. Stellar Civilizations Abound
  6. Frequencies Manage and Manifest Energy
  7. Time & Space Travel Achieved by Mind Control

Most of the US public, and most of the global public, is somewhere between levels 1 and 2.

From The Steele Report, shared with public to encourage Great Awakening.

Learn more free at Steele Top Books – America Love It Or Lose It

Matt Ehret: Breaking out of Polarities: How a Generation was Brainwashed

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Breaking out of Polarities: How a Generation was Brainwashed

Why is it that so few Americans alive seem to have any real understanding of their own anti-imperial traditions or even the system of political economy that emerged out of the revolution as the first in history to put humanity, and the powers of mind above the laws of monetary profit? The ignorance of this historical truth has resulted in the susceptibility of many of Americans (as well as Europeans and other Commonwealth citizens) to believe that their only choices in the face of an oncoming economic meltdown is to support either Keynesian top down systems of control or Libertarian “anything goes” bottom up systems which strip government of all its authority to resist the actual trans national oligarchy.

Read full summary with links to three essays and a video.

Tom Atlee: Thoughts on strategic thinking in our current crisis

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics

Thoughts on strategic thinking in our current crisis

There is much debate in my circles about how to respond to the the current crisis in democracy and our social fabric. I’m sensing some patterns among independent approaches being promoted separately. In this post, I attempt an initial overview of these and the necessity to validate all of them, especially from the perspective of broader and narrower visions of social change, and the gifts and limitations they bring.

Read full post.

Martin Geddes: The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved the World)

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved The World)

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
― George Orwell

We are in an information war where a psychopathic system is attempting to draw the majority into a “hive mind” (communism is one label), whereby the group is elevated over the individual. This suits psychopaths who see themselves as “keeps of the hive”, with no concern for the individuals or their autonomy. They are seeking to impose their own moral relativism via the corruption of science, media, politics, industry, and religion.

Read full article.

See Also: Geddes @ Phi Beta Iota