Bill Whittle: 14 Core Points for Election Integrity

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

This guy is a DOER (the kind you surround yourself with) Bill Whittle – Wikipedia and he is growing on me. Common sense 101. Please, enroll him in your team.

He spells out the recipe for fair elections, taken from STATE LAWS and STATE REGULATIONS and condenses it in 14 points here:

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Simon Parkes Video Update on Q as Quantum Computer + Human Team, 70% of USG Is Compromised; Italy Details; and Robert Steele’s Email Commentary to Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing

ROBERT STEELE: This is the most significant valuable  video Simon Parkes has ever  done in service to all of us.  I was surprised to be asked for.

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Cynthia Chung: Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’ 

When the matter of truth is depicted as a possible threat to those that govern a country, you no longer have a democratic state. True, not everything can be disclosed to the public in real time, but we are sitting on a mountain of classified intelligence material that goes back more than 60 years.

Read full article.

See Also:

Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Cynthia Chung

Cynthia Chung: Freemasons as Secret Police & Saboteurs for Profit

Martin Geddes: Reflections on Web 3.0 – Mind Shift Needed

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

As received and aggregated from various emails as Web 3.0 Apostles get to work.

The core problem is the relationship between the human and the data about/from the human.

This is a paradigm shift. The end of IT (information technology; human as computer peripheral to be harvested for AI training data). The start of HT (human at centre, and sovereign control over identity).

Until people become conscious of the paradigm they are in they cannot break out of it. The hardest thing for a fish to describe is water.

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: Reflections on Web 3.0 – Mind Shift Needed”

Matt Ehret: The Falsity of the American Economy Part I

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

How an Austrian and British Malthusian Brainwashed a Generation of Americans 

Everyone with half a brain should be able to sense that the danger of civil war and economic meltdown hang over our destinies like a sword of Damocles, but instead of hearing calls for restoring the SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN traditions of American System banking that author Ellen Brown recently documented in her powerful new essay, we find only feuding sects that assert we must EITHER have top-down centralized planning OR bottom-up free markets laissez faire policies devoid of any government intervention.

To the degree that this false debate continues the overtones of France’s 1789-94 bloodbath will be heard growing louder with every passing day.

Continue reading “Matt Ehret: The Falsity of the American Economy Part I”