Mongoose: Dirtbag Dershowitz on the Record for Ending Statuatory Rape — Notional Summary: “If a Child Wants to Fuck, or I THINK a Child Wants to Fuck, Who’s to Say No?”

06 Family, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence

Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Called for The Lowering of The Age of Consent

The infamous attorney (and alleged pedophile intimate with Jeffrey Epstein) defended an op-ed from the 90's where he also argued for the abolition of the rape statute.

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Matt Ehret: The Revival of Optical Biophysics and the Clash of the ‘Two Sciences’

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

The Revival of Optical Biophysics and the Clash of the ‘Two Sciences’

In yesterday’s article entitled ‘Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on Covid-19 and the Future of Medicine’, I elaborated upon the powerful intervention of the Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier. In that location, I covered the reasonability of Montagnier’s theory of the laboratory origin COVID-19 and I discussed my reasons why anyone assuming a China-origin hypothesis to be rather naive. For anyone who wishes to fully appreciate reading this article, then I recommend either first reviewing my previous report OR watch the 2014 documentary ‘Water Memory’.

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Yoda: Stephen Hunter at Gab Has Published This, Ostensibly from Ezra Cohen-Watnick — We Believe It and We Trust the Plan

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Stephen Hunter

From Ezra Cohen-Watnick

I'm going to spell it out one time only for those who are lost and not registering the 100's of clues I've been dropping you. Here we go 1 time.

Pay close attention. You are watching a movie.

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Robert Steele: Q Anon — Truthers vs. Idiots

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Juan O. Savin (P) noticed the below item and shared it with me suggesting I sue the author (who among other canards calls me a white supremacist).

How “Q” Came To Be

Ex-Military Intelligence people weaponised Conspiracy Theories by using Internet Puzzle Trolls and New-Age Fascists, as part of an Attack on our Society and Truth in General.

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