SchwartzReport: One Fracking Well Linked to 200+ Earthquakes

03 Environmental Degradation, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Although the Congress and the Obama Administration think Fracking is just the thing, the evidence for the wrongness of this policy just keeps piling up. One learns in school that the purpose of the government is to be responsive to its people, and provide for their safety and wellbeing. But that of cou! rse we know is just a fantasy of academics. Your house has been brought down by an earthquake? Terribly sorry, the government says, but our corporate masters' profits are too important for us to stop them.

University of Colorado Boulder Scientists Link 10,800-Foot-Deep Fracking Wastewater Well to More than 200 Earthquakes
BRANDON BAKER – Ecowatch/Nation of Change

When the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ordered NGL Water Solutions to stop fracking wastewater injection operations a month ago, a team of University of Colorado Boulder researchers began conducting its own investigation.

NGL, formerly known as High Sierra Water Services, was given permission to resume its activities at a 10,800-foot-deep well a few weeks later, but the CU findings suggest that shouldn’t have happened. Anne Sheehan and her team found that the well is linked to more than 200 earthquakes, the geophysics professor in the CU Department of Geological Sciences told Boulder County Business Report.

Sepp Hasslberger: 2003 Manifesto on Our Common Future

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Genova, the Azores and our Common Future

28 June 2003

Genova – July 2001 – had a big impact on my life, probably on anybody's life here in Italy. Several hundred thousand protested the gathering of Heads of State – the G8 – and were brutally beaten by police who had been instructed, on Bush's orders, to “be tough this time”. Some of my Italian friends, Ivan and Vitale, were there and they returned shocked at the unprecedented violence that had been unleashed, by all accounts unprovoked. At the time, I said war has just been declared on the people and I wrote, enraged, that the kind of progress the mighty are talking about is not really the progress we want. At the time, one of the recurring taints thrown at the emerging global movement for justice was that it had not come up with any positive proposals.

Fast forward to Azores – January 2003 – the passage from one year to the next. Wind outside, logs crackling in the fireplace. Someone asks the question: What is it we really want? If we don't want Bush's war, we don't want “their” globalization, what can we do about it? Good question. Difficult. Susan suggests that Justice is the major problem. Prohibitionism and the non-separation of Church and State, to be exact. Agreed, but what can we do about it and what about all those other areas of life that are messed up too? We started listing them up – justice, the economy, the energy monopoly, scientific progress, the environment, health, education, ideas in the straitjacket called intellectual property, the way society is organized and how the media manages not to inform us of what's important.

Areas for Change (List Only)

Church and State   Justice   Economy   Energy   Science   Environment   Health   Education   Human Potential   Intellectual Property Laws   Social organization   Public Media and information   Privacy versus Transparency

Read full manifesto.

Mark Dixon: Digital Druid – America, We Have A Problem

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Mark Dixon
Mark Dixon

Mark Dixon is a partner in the Principled Society Project and a pioneer in Smart Local Government and Cognitive Digital Democracy.

America…..we have a problem.

We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology.”

So says E. O. Wilson in his latest book, “The Social Conquest of Earth”. I happen to agree with him, especially about our “medieval institutions”, which I consider him to primarily mean our systems of government and to a lesser extent, organized religions.

Wilson goes on to say that “[w]e are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life.”

Again, I have to agree.

I’ve done a lot of research and reading over the last several years, starting with the “Peak Oil” phenomenon and continuing on through the “Great Recession” and IBM’s “Smarter Planet” initiative and its derivatives, namely, “Smarter Government” and “Smarter Cities”. To put all this work in perspective, I have to take a short step back in history. This historical review, will, of primary experience, be one with an American viewpoint. But I think the lessons are relevant to the rest of the world as well. Bear with me.

Continue reading “Mark Dixon: Digital Druid – America, We Have A Problem”

Jean Lievens: Village in a Box – Open Source Ecology Project Uses 3D Printers to Build the Next Economy

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Village in a Box: Open Source Ecology Project Uses 3D Printers to Build The Next Economy

by, July 24, 2014

…the folks at the Open Source Ecology project say you only need about 50 machines such as a wind turbine, cement mixer and sawmill to get things going. And they should know since they are currently building and creating open source industrial machines and sharing the designs online without cost.

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Sepp Hasslberger: MIT Graphite Solar Sponge Converts Sunlight Into Steam with 85% Efficiency

05 Energy, Earth Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

This is basic research – not ready to use quite yet, but a neat idea anyway and it could well turn out useful.

MIT creates graphite ‘solar sponge’ that converts sunlight into steam with 85% efficiency


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SchwartzReport: Science is Not About Certainty Rather About Most Reliable Way of Thinking at Present Level of Knowledge

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

This is a really excellent essay on the nature of science. Rovelli's observation: “Science is not about certainty. Science is about finding the most reliable way of thinking at the present level of knowledge” is one of the most insightful things I have read about science in a decade. There are also very insightful comments about the competing worldviews in physics, and science's relationship to religion. This piece has been excerpted from The Universe: Leading Scientists Explore the Origin, Mysteries, and Future of the Cosmos.

Science Is Not About Certainty
CARLO ROVELLI, professor at Université de la Méditerranée, Marsei – New Republic

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Don Sagar: Eden Project – The Underlying Cause

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Don Sagar
Don Sagar

The Underlying Cause

The World is beset with endless problems. Some appear more imminent than others. What escapes most is that all are inextricably linked. This makes determining priority a source of migraines. Does one throw their efforts behind stabilizing the World’s economic system, containing weapons of war, influencing population growth, restricting the genetic manipulation of nature, halting global warming, stemming regional conflicts, or bringing an end to the suffering of the disenfranchised? Perhaps you have another problem you consider even more pressing. Whatever the case, all are extraordinarily complex, so it’s no wonder why confusion and apathy prevail. In the past, mankind employed “stopgap” measures to address these issues with varying degrees of success. Intimidation by force often served to determine outcome. With the spread of weapons of mutual destruction, utilizing force became a liability. Now, only the weaker need fear it.

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