Video (1:13:31) Buffalo Horn guy from Capitol Riot reveals as Military Special Ops Updated Alert Reader Comment with Links

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

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Phi Beta Iota: Provocative in a most positive manner. Alert reader notes below.

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Robert Steele: Five Levels of Play in 5D Chess

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

5D Chess — what are the five levels being played?

I believe the following five levels of play are all active right now, and President Trump is one of the few to understand all five levels and also be to playing all five levels.  I believe that President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary Xi Jinping are also playing all five levels, in harmoney with DJT.

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Robert Steele: Stages of Intellectual Growth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Stages of Intellectual Growth

I was asked by a subscriber to share in a searchable (findable) form my seven levels of intellectual development as I have experienced them. Here they are.

  1. Truth assumed to be Default
  2. Lies known to be Default
  3. Consciousness is a Force for Good
  4. Everything is Energy in Some Form
  5. Stellar Civilizations Abound
  6. Frequencies Manage and Manifest Energy
  7. Time & Space Travel Achieved by Mind Control

Most of the US public, and most of the global public, is somewhere between levels 1 and 2.

From The Steele Report, shared with public to encourage Great Awakening.

Learn more free at Steele Top Books – America Love It Or Lose It

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines

What can we expect in the coming days? As I said, it is our thumb rule that each obvious delay of the ascension scenario in the perceived 3D linear time opens the portals to bilocate rapidly onto much higher timelines where the Shift will arrive first and then the 3D resolution of the current political drama in the USA and the world over can take place in a more favorable fashion.

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Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence


The events surrounding the U.S. election and inauguration of Biden, as well as the latest revelations by Yazhi in the Cosmic Agency series have led me to an epiphany.  I refer to Yazhi’s view that Trump and Biden are puppets controlled by the same entity, and that there is a Cabal called the Saturn Federation that controls Earth’s Cabal.  This prompted me to reread a chapter in David Icke’s book Everything You Need to Know but Have Never Been Told entitled One Big Program.  All of a sudden, the dots connected.


Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Pathway to Freedom: How Humans Will Change as Energetic Systems During the Upcoming Global Shift

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

The Pathway to Freedom: How Humans Will Change as Energetic Systems During the Upcoming Global Shift

In this discourse, I have outlined the cardinal psychological transformation which the human incarnated personality will undergo as an energetic system during the impending global shift. Here is the quintessence:

This shift will not be the final ascension as, except for the few PAT members, all humans and most lightworkers from the new age are not yet ready for this transfiguration. Therefore, there will be a global shift that will be caused by a tsunami wave of Source energies from the Central Sun that will lift humanity and this holographic matrix to a new energetic constellation. The minds of the people will be opened with one fell swoop for the truth and above all their inner conscience will be activated for the first time. They will know without any doubt what is right and what is wrong, what is truth, and what is a lie.

Read full article.