SchwartzReport: Clean Energy Reduces Storms and Saves Money

05 Energy, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is what I think is the truth. We could make the conversion to non-carbon energy within a generation if we could muster the political and social will to do so. Sadly, I am afraid the secret government within the government that is controlled in large measure by carbon energy intere! sts, combined with the almost grotesque ignorance of the American electorate will not allow it to happen. But it could be done, and it would be significantly cheaper for customers, would create tens of thousands of jobs, as weel as improving the economy.

Running It All On Clean Energy: ‘A Question Of Social And Political Will”

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson says the United States has the technology and logistical ability to convert to all-renewable energy sources by 2050-if we can manage to exercise the social and political will to do so. He’s the guy who told David Letterman we already have enough wind to power the entire world ‘seven times over.” Now he has proven his point with a groundbreaking roadmap to clean energy for all 50 U.S. states.

With colleagues from academia and industry, Jacobson-a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford and a senior fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy-recently developed detailed plans that three states (New York, 2/18/13; Washington, 1/14/14; and California, yesterday-2/22/14) could use to switch over their energy infrastructures from conventional fuels to 100% renewable resources by 2050. As Jacobson uses the term, ‘infrastructure” includes electric power, transportation, heating/cooling, and industry uses. ‘Renewable power” is derived primarily from wind, water, and sunlight (WWS), generating electricity and electrolytic hydrogen.

Some findings of research behind the plans:

  • Powering the U.S. with only wind, water, and solar energy sources would save the average consumer $3,400 per year.
  • Over 15 years, driving an electric car could save $20,000-$40,000 in energy costs.
  • In 2013, states endowed with greater wind power had energy costs increase 3 cents; all other states (except Hawaii) saw costs increase 4 cents.
  • Large offshore wind farms could reduce hurricane storm surges up to 80% and wind speeds up to 50%.
  • Powering the country solely with WWS could generate a 3% GDP uptick.

Read full article.

SchwartzReport: Pine Smels = Aerosol Mist = Good Earth

Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This is a fascinating story about the interconnected nature of the Earth's biosphere. There is so much we don't know, but one thing becomes clearer and clearer: The only way we are going to save ourselves is by working with nature, not trying to dominate nature. Frankly, though, I think the greed and stupidity greed creates are still too powerful to allow us to save ourselves. From everything I can see the rest of this century is going to b! e a debacle with hundreds of millions of people dying. All completely unnecessary but, when profit is the only social priority, inevitable.

Smell of Forest Pine Can Limit Climate Change – Researchers

New research suggests a strong link between the powerful smell of pine trees and climate change.

Scientists say they've found a mechanism by which these scented vapours turn into aerosols above boreal forests.

These particles promote cooling by reflecting sunlight back into space and helping clouds to form.

Jean Lievens: SOLIDARIA – Platform, Marketplace & Seed of a Network of Cooperatives

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

SOLIDARIA – Platform, Marketplace & Seed of a Network of Cooperatives

Building the infrastructure for a global community of a commons-based peer society

Realizing, merging, funding, organizing & expanding the global commons – knowledge, culture, means of production and land property.

Solidaria will open up a space where all our activity is aimed towards extending the commons – open knowledge and freeculture as well as the material commons like housing, property and means of production!

Clikc on Image to Enlarge
Clikc on Image to Enlarge

It enables you to work in cooperatives of the commons based peer-to-peer economy, no matter if you’re working in the knowledge economy or in a classical field. And it enables you to work for the commons even in projects that normally wouldn’t be economically viable – and still make a living off it! The decision which project you want to work on does not depend on the question if it is convertible into something commercial – all that matters is that you are contributing to the commons.

And it gives you back the power over how the economy works by opening up economic and environmental decisions to all stakeholders – it’s not the capitalist elite deciding anymore, but also not only the people inside the cooperatives,  it’s everyone!

It gives you the opportunity to consume inside the commons-based economy wherever possible. It also opens up powerful ways of collaborative consumption or producing things yourself.

And last but not least it even gives you the possibility to financially support the extension of the commons even with the big part of consumption that is not possible inside of it yet.

Read full article.

Yoda: Natural Free Water Filters — 99% Good

Earth Intelligence
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

MIT scientists show tree branch to be effective water purifier

A suitable water filter is already growing in most forests.

Dirty, contaminated water is a problem for many developing nations. But water filters are relatively expensive and not something easily assembled in the shed, garage or backyard — unless, of course, the water filter is already assembled and growing in the backyard.New research by scientists at MIT proves that a water filter made out of a small piece of sapwood from a white pine tree can rid contaminated water of 99 percent of the bacteria E. coli, producing up to four liters of clean, potable water a day.

They say the small pores of a sapwood branch or section of trunk — tissue that's designed to transport sap throughout the tree — works to trap and block most types of bacteria as water filters through.

The details of the researchers' discovery was recently published in Plos One.

Continue reading “Yoda: Natural Free Water Filters — 99% Good”

Anthony Judge: Encycling Problematic Wickedness for Potential Humanity

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Encycling Problematic Wickedness for Potential Humanity

Imagining a future Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Learnings from the past?
Requisite craziness?
Problems, problematique and wickedness?
Ensuring identity through property and possession?
Global “world”, or requisite topology of higher dimensionality?
Human potential vs. Potential humanity?
Encycling rather than Encyclopedia: dynamic vs. static?
Questing for an imaginal episystemic container: embodying self-reflexivity?
Mankind 2000 and Union of International Associations — “reloaded”?
Engendering engaging manageable “content”?
Encycling Problematic Wickedness and Potential Humanity?