Jean Leivins: SLATE Falls Short in Covering the Sharing Economy

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The only thing more tired than the “sharing economy” meme might be this opinion. While there’s truth in what he and many others before him have said, his post throws the baby out with the bath water. It shows a shallow understanding of the economic transformation underway, and this being Slate, with millions of readers, could turn a lot of people away from an important change.

Who is the Real Sharing Economy Sell Out? Maybe the Media


Yglesias’ big miss is that away from the headlines about the latest tech wonder, a real sharing economy is booming. Member-owned credit unions recently earned record profits, member-owned cooperatives are proliferating modeled off the successes like Mondragon, The White House is getting behind participatory budgeting for local governments, 20 states are considering some form of public banking, open source software is eating the software world, and grassroots sharing projects like seed banks, tool libraries, coworking and hacker spaces are spreading like kudzu.

This economy is substantial. Taken together, credit unions make up the fifth largest bank in the US. Cooperatives employ 100 million people globally (20% more than the Fortune 500) and have 800 million members. Coops span major industries – retail, agriculture, housing, transportation, manufacturing, energy, telecommunications, healthcare, and more. There are over 200,000 open source software projects worth around a half a billion dollars. One study put the value of fair use content at $4.5 trillion, one sixth of the US economy. I’m just scratching the surface of all that we share. The mutualized part of the sharing economy dwarfs all the tech-based sharing startups put together.

Whatever you want to call this economy, it’s the real story. While our civilization approaches economic and environmental collapse, the solutions lay right under our nose. This is arguably the biggest story today as our survival may hinge on how this emerging economy unfolds. The question is whether the mainstream media will bring it to the attention of a public desperate for real solutions. If Yglesias’ latest post is any indication, they will pass it up in favor of click bait to boost ad revenues.

Read full article.

Chuck Spinney: Gaza Drowning in Shit — Israel’s Long-Term Anti-Access Program Deepens the Atrocity

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Anti-Access, Area Denial Israeli Style

Mother Nature Intensifies the Gaza Siege
by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch

Gaza was recently hit by a severe winter storm, and it lacks the electricity, water, and sewage infrastructure to deal with the crisis. Here, FYI, is report in Ma’an, a Palestinian news agency, describing the disastrous effects of this storm.  Among other things, the report explains how electricity, fuel shortages, and a break down of the sewage system have limited the capacity to drain the flooded areas with cold sewage-laden water.


Gaza’s flooded streets.  

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Gaza Drowning in Shit — Israel's Long-Term Anti-Access Program Deepens the Atrocity”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

There are, I believe, corporations that are functionally evil. BP is one of them, as is Chevron. Here is further evidence in support of my hypothesis.

BP, Chevron Accused of Illegally Dumping Toxic Radioactive Drilling Waste Into Louisiana Water
EMILY ATKIN – Reader Supported News/Think Progress

The American Gulag is a national shame. When I was growing up we used to judge the Soviet Union as evil in part because of its gulag. Ours is bigger, more pervasive and worse. Here is the latest on this trend. And once again, of course, it is all about placing profit first above humanity. It is America's besetting sin.

Food Behind Bars Isn’t Fit for Your Dog

Another chapter of our past opens. It is fascinating to me that virtually everything I learned at school and university about early man has subsequently been overturned, and shown to be wrong. I consider this to be a good thing, and another example of why science and facts are important.

Neanderthals Used To Speak Like Modern Humans, Study Suggests
KAMAL NAYAN – Counsel and Heal

This is a very interesting development in science but, I fear, not good news because it may slow the transition out of carbon energy which is essential if we are to deal with climate change.

Scientists Cut Million-year Natural Process to Convert Algae Into Crude Oil to About an Hour

The evidence of what climate change is going to do to the people and other beings of the Earth continues to build up. And the story just gets worse and worse. Here is the latest scientific report.

‘Whole World' at Risk From Simultaneous Droughts, Famines, Epidemics: Scientists
NAFEEZ AHMED, PHD, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development – The Guardian (U.K.)

Tom Atlee: Potent hope dances with passive hope and spectatorism

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

Potent hope dances with passive hope and spectatorism

Optimism and pessimism are kind of like spectator sports: things are getting better – or – things are getting worse. Passive hope is wishing or believing things will turn out ok. Potent hope, in contrast, is active, intentional, and grounded in the positive potential we can observe in people and the world. When we have potent hope, we don’t claim to know what will happen, but we do claim good reason to take action and find rich meaning in our lives. This post concludes with more than two dozen inspiring quotes about potent hope.

Dear friends,

Given the number of discouraging trends in the world, it is easy to feel hopeless and pessimistic. So I want to take a few moments to look at these very human feelings – optimism and pessimism, hope and hopelessness.

Continue reading “Tom Atlee: Potent hope dances with passive hope and spectatorism”

Hamilton Bean: The Paradox of Open Source: An Interview with Douglas J. Naquin with Letter from Robert Steele

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence
Hamilton Bean
Hamilton Bean

The Paradox of Open Source: An Interview with Douglas J. Naquin

Click above to buy the article (encouraged).

International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Volume 27, Issue 1, 2014

PDF (16 Pages): Bean Interview of Naquin Clean

Letter from Robert Steele

PDF (3 Pages): IJIC Steele on Bean-Naquin As Published

Full Text of Letter Below the Fold

Continue reading “Hamilton Bean: The Paradox of Open Source: An Interview with Douglas J. Naquin with Letter from Robert Steele”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This is the most amazing story yet to come out of Fukushima. TEPCO discharged highly radioactive water into the ocean around the carrier Ronald Reagan without telling the U.S. Navy while she was working to rescue Japanese citizens. It resulted in the contamination of the ship, its personnel, and its water system. Sailors are now trying to sue TEPCO. Ask yourself: Why is this not a major story in the corporate news? We have endless news coverage about a very wealthy studiedly redneck yahoo racist bigot, but next to nothing on what happened to this ship and these young American sailors and Marines on a humanitarian mission. Do you think the media's priorities are a bit out of whack? Click through to see the video of the sailors describing what happened to them.

Japan Refused USS Ronald Reagan to Dock for Fresh Water and Crew Decontamination During Rescue Mission Too Radioactive
Turner Radio Network

Phi Beta Iota: The above is an outrage, certainly, but the question Congress should be asking is this: why did the commander of the USS Ronald Reagan, and the ship's NBC detection systems, not see this coming?

More interesting, and positive, developments from the Vatican. Increasingly the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Fundamentalists are diverging over the issue of science. One becoming more fact based, the other more unmoored from reality.

Vatican Science on Christmas and Creationism