Caitlin Johnstone: Maturity Is Discovering How Everything You Believe Is A Lie

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

You get your first taste of it when you're little. You find your Christmas presents in your parents' closet in early December, or maybe some older kid just tells you that Santa Claus isn't real.

What the hell? What the hell is this? Some freaky psyop run by your parents, just for kicks? And all the other parents are in on it too? And Hollywood? All those movies and TV specials about Santa were just lies? How far does this go?

What is this strange reality?

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Charles Huge Smith: The New US (Non-Ideological) versus Them (Ideological)

Cultural Intelligence

The New Us vs Them: the Non-Ideological vs the Ideological

Though I can't find any references to this phenomenon, I discern a new Us and Them beyond the ideological Us and Them (Conservative/Right vs Progressive/Left): Us being the non-ideological and Them being the ideological of any camp, with the non-ideological being in an invisible territory that is within a nation-state's boundaries but outside the ideological context of the State (government).

To be ideological is to be state-centric, defining everything in the context of state power relations and policy. In contrast, those in the Us (non-ideological) camp are indifferent to the state even as we live within the constructs of the state.

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DefDog: Zionist Red Mafiya Cyber-Industrial Espionage

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage

Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley

DEFDOG: Between their intimate controlled relations with bribed and blackmailed US officials at the federal, state, and local levels; their mastery of pedophilia blackmail to the point that they control Members of Congress, Governors, Judges and Justices, and major banking and corporate chiefs; and their software penetrations from the 1980's onward, the Zionist Red Mafiya (a conflation of Russian criminal titans, US traitors, and the State of Israel NEVER to be confused with Judaism) “own”  the USA. This would be easy  to clean up if NSA were weaponized against them — until then, they “own” the CIA &  FBI.

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