Robert Steele: Open Letter to the Editor, Concord Monitor

Cultural Intelligence

With reference to Jonathan P. Baird: Down the rabbit hole with three conspiracy theories, Concord Monitor, 2/21/2021

You recently published a village idiot seeking to disparage and defame what he called “conspiracy theorists.” As a former CIA spy I can assure you that the term was devised by the CIA to diminish and defame those who sought to question the official narrative about the JFK assassination.

I ran a false flag for the CIA. They are very real, and only a village idiot would not understand that deception is a major aspect of every part of our false democracy. Your readers can learn from my primary on the topic at

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Greg Hunter with Catherine Austin Fitts: Building a Bitcoin Prison

Commercial Intelligence

Building a Bitcoin Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts

Fitts says, “We are in Never, Never Land. We have two groups in our society: One group that can print money, and the other who can earn money. What we saw last year is the people who could print money declared war on the people who earn money. They basically said we are going to shut down your businesses, and we are going to suck up and take your market share or buy you out with money we print out of thin air. . . . We have no pandemic. What this is is an economic war.”

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Matt Ehret: How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship – Lessons from FDR 1933

Commercial Intelligence

How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: How the Great Reset of 1933 Was Thwarted by FDR

The bubbles of the 1920s were unleashed with the early death of President William Harding in 1923 and grew under the careful guidance of JP Morgan’s President Coolidge and financier Andrew Mellon (Treasury Secretary) who de-regulated the banks, imposed austerity onto the country, and cooked up a scheme for Broker loans allowing speculators to borrow 90% on their stock. Wall Street was deregulated, investments into the real economy were halted during the 1920s and insanity became the norm. In 1925 broker loans totaled $1.5 billion and grew to $2.6 billion in 1926 and hit $5.7 billion by the end of 1927. By 1928, the stock market was overvalued fourfold!

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Eagle: Electric Vehicles Are Not Sustainable – 60 – 1 Loss Ratio on Battery Energy

Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Ineptitude
300 Million Talons…

Alert Reader writes in.

It takes 60kw to produce 1kw of lithium battery capacity.

Sustainable electric eehicles demand that we use less neodymium, cobalt and lithium.

To say that we, as a society, are complicit in gross negligence by buying today's 1.5 to 3 tonne Electric vehicles would be a massive understatement of the first order.

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Yoda: Poverty As a Disease – HUGELY Important Article

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Why Poverty Is Like a Disease

Emerging science is putting the lie to American meritocracy.

Even at this stage, then, we can take a few things away from the science. First, that the stresses of being poor have a biological effect that can last a lifetime. Second, that there is evidence suggesting that these effects may be inheritable, whether it is through impact on the fetus, epigenetic effects, cell subtype effects, or something else.

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Phi Beta Iota: As long as poverty, disease, and war are profit centers for the banks, and govenrments are bribed, blackmailed, and brainwashed into betraying the 99% in favor of the 1%, there will be no remediation.