Johan Galtung: 15 Cases of Constructive versus Destructive US Foreign Policies

Peace Intelligence

15 Cases: Constructive vs Destructive U.S. Foreign Policies

The right column is sadly familiar; add more recent cases. The left column also carries an element of sadness but nothing really radical; more like common sense that could easily be translated into political practice. A theory is something tested along its edges (Quine); what you deduce from the theory–and to me the key “edge”–is its action-consequences.

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Berto Jongman: Peace Index (But Very Misleading)

Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Global Peace Index 2017

The 2017 Global Peace Index finds that the world became more peaceful in the last year, however, over the last decade it has become significantly less peaceful.

Phi Beta Iota: As with pollution, this index is very misleading.  If countries were colored by their funding of and responsibility for violence, the USA would be far and away the most violent in the world.

Mongoose: Henry Makow, PhD on Communism, Freemasonry, Feminism, and More…

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Bella Dodd – The “New World Order” is Communism

Communism was/is a plot designed to substitute a Masonic Jewish cabal for the rule of God. It is a utopian fraud hatched by the rich to thwart the dreams of ordinary people and stunt human progress. The same cabal is behind most wars including the impending attack on Iran.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Henry Makow, PhD on Communism, Freemasonry, Feminism, and More…”

Berto Jongman: US Should Spend on Peacekeeping Not Warmaking

Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

U.S. Spending on U.N. Peacekeeping More Cost-Effective Than Trump's Blueprint

It would be eight times more cost-effective for the United States to support a U.N. peacekeeping mission than it would be to send in its Armed Forces, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) wrote in a recent report. This report follows an expected 2019 federal budget that would earmark  $716 billion in defense spending—a 7 percent increase from the previous year.

Yoda: Chabad a Satanic Jewish Supremacist Cult Rescued by the Nazis?

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Nazis Rescued Leader of Jewish Supremacist Cult. Why?

Is Chabad the “head of the Illuminati snake?” 

by Henry Makow Ph.D
In January 1940, Gestapo members were bewildered to see a party of 18 Orthodox Jews riding first-class on a train from Warsaw to Berlin.

Their Abwehr escorts explained that they were under “full diplomatic protection.”

Continue reading “Yoda: Chabad a Satanic Jewish Supremacist Cult Rescued by the Nazis?”