DefDog: 50 State False Flag and State Trooper Gestapo Sweep Planned?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

One prays Biden will not be allowed to be inaugurated even if the inauguration is illegitimate.  Below scenario all too possible — and too many State Police see themselves as  the Governor's Gestapo, this could be a total cluster fuck.  I note that Trump has explicitly NOT sanctioned the “armed protests.”

Watch Out For A Four-Pronged ‘Deep State' False Flag To ‘Install' Kamala Harris, End The 2nd Amendment, Complete The Demonization Of Patriots And Usher In The ‘New World Order' 

Martin Geddes: The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved the World)

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

The Reconstruction of Reality (…or How Autists Saved The World)

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
― George Orwell

We are in an information war where a psychopathic system is attempting to draw the majority into a “hive mind” (communism is one label), whereby the group is elevated over the individual. This suits psychopaths who see themselves as “keeps of the hive”, with no concern for the individuals or their autonomy. They are seeking to impose their own moral relativism via the corruption of science, media, politics, industry, and religion.

Read full article.

See Also: Geddes @ Phi Beta Iota

Martin Geddes: Observation on US Military, “President Biden,” & The Final Triumph

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

You asked me to comment on the Joint Chiefs of Staff letter and the possibility that Biden might actually be inaugurated in some fashion.  This is what I have  to say about that:

The “President Biden Show” is going to be laid on by the military.

We really are watching a movie. Little is real, although there is genuine destruction and damage to people and assets.

Those who accepted the fraud have to be shown the consequences. There has to be chaos. They have to confront the ire of the majority who had their choice usurped. They have to be shown to be fools, as heinous crimes by those they “elected” are exposed. Everyone has to see that a Bolshevik revolution has begun and is real and undesirable.

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: Observation on US Military, “President Biden,” & The Final Triumph”

Simon Parkes Video Update on Q as Quantum Computer + Human Team, 70% of USG Is Compromised; Italy Details; and Robert Steele’s Email Commentary to Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing

ROBERT STEELE: This is the most significant valuable  video Simon Parkes has ever  done in service to all of us.  I was surprised to be asked for.

Continue reading “Simon Parkes Video Update on Q as Quantum Computer + Human Team, 70% of USG Is Compromised; Italy Details; and Robert Steele's Email Commentary to Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes”

Cynthia Chung: Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’ 

When the matter of truth is depicted as a possible threat to those that govern a country, you no longer have a democratic state. True, not everything can be disclosed to the public in real time, but we are sitting on a mountain of classified intelligence material that goes back more than 60 years.

Read full article.

See Also:

Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Cynthia Chung

Cynthia Chung: Freemasons as Secret Police & Saboteurs for Profit