Covert Action Magazine: New Evidence Implicates CIA in 1971 Attack on Cuba with African Swine Fever Virus

02 Infectious Disease, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

New Evidence Implicates CIA in 1971 Attack on Cuba with African Swine Fever Virus

Cuban Outbreak of Swine Fever Linked to CIA” headlined a January 9, 1977, article by Drew Featherston and John Cummings in Newsday, a Long Island, New York, daily paper. It began,

With at least the tacit backing of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officials, operatives linked to anti-Castro terrorists introduced African swine fever virus into Cuba in 1971. Six weeks later an outbreak of the disease forced the slaughter of 500,000 pigs to prevent a nationwide animal epidemic.

Read full article.

Deep Anus Special Report: Is Joe Biden About to Die?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Our source in the DNC, code named Deep Anus, is telling us that Joe Biden is not cooperating with the plan to have him drop out so that Harris can move up and someone like Bob Corker from Tennessee, Never Trumper, and RINO, can come in as the token white boy VP for a “unity ticket.” There are rumors that John Kasich is negotiating to come over but only if he is the designated President, half the DNC wants Harris to move up.

We anticipate the death of Joe Biden very soon, followed by a State funeral.

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Henry Mackow: Zionist Kabbalah Use of Lockdowns as Creative Destruction of Christianity

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Lockdowns Motivated by Occult Doctrine: “Creative Destruction” (Kabbalah)

The Doctrine of “Creative Destruction” provides a key to understanding the gratuitous destruction wreaked by lockdowns, mask orders, etc.

Cabalists believe the Old (Christian) Order must be ruthlessly destroyed before the New (Satanic) World Order, based on the Kabbalah, can be built.

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Alexandra Bruce: Deep State from CIA to Israel to Monsanto to Nazis to Romney . . .

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

“…It’s pretty stunning, to see the thread connecting Agent Orange, Monsanto, GMOs, IG Farben, Zyklon B, Adolf Hitler, Operation Paperclip, Standard Oil, Rockefeller medicine, Robert Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, Raytheon, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Ryan Seacrest, the Kardashians and the companies that manufacture the puberty-blockers and hormones that enable transgenderism and the large corporations now donating hundreds of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter, to burn this country to the ground.

VIDEO & Full Transcript Below the Fold

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