Henry Mackow: Zionist Kabbalah Use of Lockdowns as Creative Destruction of Christianity

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Lockdowns Motivated by Occult Doctrine: “Creative Destruction” (Kabbalah)

The Doctrine of “Creative Destruction” provides a key to understanding the gratuitous destruction wreaked by lockdowns, mask orders, etc.

Cabalists believe the Old (Christian) Order must be ruthlessly destroyed before the New (Satanic) World Order, based on the Kabbalah, can be built.

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Hal Turner: Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O'Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Democrat

What emboldens illegal voters more than to head to the polls with a phony ID in their pocket in case anyone asks for ID?

PBI: The part about Democrats registered to vote has been challenged.

Andrew Napolitano: The Freedom to Pursue Happiness

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Alert Reader writes in:

Best legal explanation of why the entire scamdemic and following diktats are so completely unconstitutional that, were I one who lost my business, my job and/or my apartment because of the lockdowns, I would be marching right into a (real) constitutional attorneys practice and explore how to personally sue the crap out of all those politicians and cops who harassed me, in order to recover treble the damages inflicted to me. I might also look into suing all those businesses who forbid entry precisely on the mask issue…

The Freedom To Pursue Happiness