Berto Jongman: Pitchforks Coming for Catholic Pedophilia Clerics

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Officers Call, Vatican
Berto Jongman

‘We’re Coming for Them’: Survivors Demand Release of 884-Page Pennsylvania Clergy Sex Abuse Report

A court just muzzled the ‘damaging’ findings on decades of Catholic clerical abuse. But it’s not over. ‘We are coming for them,’ says a state rep who was raped by a priest at 13.

See Also:

Pedophilia @ Phi Beta Iota

Tom Atlee: Scaling Up Powerful Conversations IV

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

Scaling up powerful conversations: Examples, methods, and approaches (Collective Coherence Part Four)

Below are a dozen approaches to scaling up what we know is possible in relatively small face-to-face conversations to include and/or influence thousands or millions of people. Keep in mind that many of these approaches have special qualities that – in combination with others – could significantly increase their power and influence. Imagine, for example, if a potent citizen panel like we see in the Maclean’s “People’s Verdict” initiative or in an Austrian Civic Council were woven in with a pre-organized, decentralized, widespread community study circle programs that digested, expanded upon, and brought into reality the wisdom generated by the preceding small-group conversations.

Rebecca Campbell: Activist “Replacebook” Seeking to Kill #GoogleGestapo

Civil Society, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Citizens for Free Speech is launching a new social media platform designed exclusively for local activists who want to make a difference in their local communities. Having made it through the development stage and the Alpha test cycle, is now looking for volunteers to serve as Beta testers. The Beta test cycle will last up to 30 days and will prepare the site for general public release in September 2018.

Learn more.

Fund-Raiser: If You Value What We Do…

Civil Society, Ethics
Robert David STEELE Vivas

NEW: I am wrapping up the 9/11 POTUS Binder that will be published free online and also as #33 in the Trump Revolution Series. It will be published on 30 July 2018.

Below is the final cover.  The index of names is quite interesting but does not begin to scratch the surface because neither the FBI nor the media has been serious about mapping the Zionist network of individuals and companies that made 9/11 happen with the total complicity of Dick Cheney.

Continue reading “Fund-Raiser: If You Value What We Do…”