Joseph P. Farrell: Pope Francis Seizes Vatican Bank

Civil Society, Corruption

Pope Francis Seizes Vatican Bank

Francis has moved the Vatican Bank from the Secretariat of State, normally headed by an archbishop or a cardinal archbishop, to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, in other words, placing the bank directly, for the first time in its chequered history, under the Pope. To draw a somewhat clumsy analogy, this is akin to President Kennedy's National Security Action Memorandum, that removed the CIA from oversight of covert operations, and placed those operations directly under the military, i.e., directly under the chain of command ending in the Presidency. In effect, what Francis has done is to move the whole “hidden system of finance” that is the Vatican Bank, a participant in that global “hidden system” that I've speculated about for so long, and placed it directly under papal control.

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Joanna Martin: This Is War — President MUST Invoke Insurrection Act — Includes Constitutional Roadmap for Conquering Election Fraud

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Now available on BitChute (we no longer post YouTubes).

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Tom Atlee: Large-Scale Collective Sense-Making Processes (Part 5)

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

Large-scale collective sense-making processes (Sense-making – Part 5)

I’ve long advocated the use of multiple processes in public and stakeholder engagements so that synergies among them can be tapped. Recently I’ve been drawn into explorations of sense-making, in which collective sense-making stands out as particularly important. So I decided to apply my multi-process design thinking to the challenge of collective sense-making. I describe that thinking in detail here. This sense-making vision is intended especially for practitioners, designers and scholars of public engagements. – Tom

In 2003 I wrote a series of posts about “Designing Multi-Process Public Participation Programs”. Here are a few juicy excerpts from the introduction to that series:

Read full article.

See Also:  Tom Atlee @ Phi Beta Iota