Mongoose: Alert Reader on Mossad, Anthrax, Bioweapons USA

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Alert  Reader sends . . .

I have been fighting Mossad for 30 plus years. They control Fauci's NIAID (where I trained). They, Mossad, released the anthrax attack in 2001 from Fort Detrick. Bruce Edward Ivins, who worked with Anthrax at Fort Detrick  and was blamed for the anthrax attack, was a militant Zionist!!  After the attack, Fauci went to Congress and raised billions on dollars for his Mossad cell at NIAID. Many don't know President Nixon turned Fort Detrick into a cancer research center run by NIH and NIH has a big presence there. This is how Mossad was able to gain access from its Bethesda headquarters. Note Mossad agents at the FBI closed down the Anthrax attack once Bruce Ivins was identified as a a suspect and suicided. Read the Quitam case from the FBI agent who ran the investigation and then sued the US government for trying to kill the investigation. The agent's name is Richard Lee Lambert.

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Donald Trump: On QAnon Against Pedophiles & Satanists UPDATE 1

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

‘Is that such a bad thing?': Trump willing to help QAnon conspiracy theorists ‘save the world' from cannibals and paedophiles

Phi Beta Iota: The Deep State is in a panic.

Facebook removes QAnon conspiracy group with 200,000 members

Facebook purges 790 QAnon groups as the fringe conspiracy movement keeps growing

Both Satanists and pedophiles (including murderous pedophiles) are being identified. Below is one starting point for public education, all chapters free in full text online, plus a tag cloud of all names.

See Especially:

See Also:  Q @ Phi Beta Iota and QA @ Phi Beta Iota

UPDATE 1: Another post on Q Anon will appear tomorrow, in the interest of deepening this first widely shared post, here is an advance view of the Q portion.

Continue reading “Donald Trump: On QAnon Against Pedophiles & Satanists UPDATE 1”

Charles Lipson: Will the Dam Break After Clinesmith’s Plea?

Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

Will the Dam Break After Clinesmith’s Plea?

Clinesmith’s plea deal matters mostly because it sheds light on Durham’s broader investigation and the malfeasance he’s uncovering. To see that, let’s focus on the “bullet points,” which leave a bloody trail to larger crimes.

Continue reading “Charles Lipson: Will the Dam Break After Clinesmith’s Plea?”

Chuck Baldwin & Ron Paul: “We Are Facing The Greatest Assault On Our Civil Liberties In Our Lifetimes”

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

“We Are Facing The Greatest Assault On Our Civil Liberties In Our Lifetimes”

Dr. Paul gave the best assessment of this so-called pandemic when he said, “We are facing the greatest assault against our civil liberties in our lifetimes.” That is indeed the bottom line. Every other argument about or aspect of this “crisis” pales in comparison to the reality that “we are facing the greatest assault against our civil liberties in our lifetimes.”

In addition, Dr. Paul asked the most significant question of the hour when he asked, “Will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?” Well, if they will, they need to get started—QUICKLY.

Read full article.

Mongoose: NY Judge Requests UK Provide Julian Assange Testimony in Seth Rich Case

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

BREAKING: New York Judge Requests Testimony from Julian Assange in Seth Rich Case

“In the proper exercise of its authority, this court has determined that the evidence cannot be secured except by the intervention of the English courts and that assistance from the English courts would serve to further the international interests of justice and judicial cooperation,” the judge wrote in a memorandum for the senior master of the Royal Courts of Justice.

Read full article.