Search: how much humint is clandestine — Response by Robert Steele + Clandestine Meta-RECAP

Advanced Cyber/IO, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE:  I have been watching with growing concern as Phi Beta Iota has posted a string of relatively radical posts on the Boston bombing and Texas fertilizer explosion.  As most know, I lean toward transparency, truth, and trust, and the last thing I would want to do is marginalize these voices for truth and trust as I have been marginalized these past six years. My focus now that my clearances have been justly reinstated is to get out of town — to find the toughest job in the darkest corner and vanish.  Have brain will travel.  Having said that, this search is important and merits a broad response that ties everything together in context.

The short answer, if you accept my pioneering concept of the “fifteen slices,” as cleared by CIA and DoD and offered up in Human Intelligence:  All Minds, All Languages, All the Time (US Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2010), is that clandestine Human Intelligence (HUMINT), one of the four secret slices, is 6.6% of the totality of HUMINT and should receive 13.2% of the budget.  In my view, HUMINT has failed miserably on two fronts: leveraging Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for spotting and assessing as well as post-recruitment vetting and validation; and in pointedly questioning the value of the technical disciplines that produce so little — that compare very poorly with HUMINT/OSINT in relation to the investments made and the processing not done.


HUMINT DoD OK with two changes

Here below is the original graphic I created after being interviewed for DISL HUMINT at DIA (not selected or I would be invisible), the central graphic for the above monograph — I post the clearance letters above because there are still too many that fail to understand my deep commitment to doing the right thing.

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Eagle: YouTube (4:20) The Corbett Report – The War on Terror is Over – America Lost

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Published on Apr 24, 2013


It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can't be won, however, doesn't mean it can't be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.

First Comment at YouTube:

Boston was the most disgusting display of servitude to the fascist globalist BORG I have EVER seen!  I've harbored great feelings of shame over the actions and INaction of Americans over the past few decades but this one….  My own countrymen shocked me with their genuflection to an evil social engineering tyrannical dictatorship. Simply appalling!  This was a test case, America!  Boston failed the test and MISERABLY!  NOW we can expect more of the same and MUCH…worse.

Jim Dean: Boston Bombing — DHS Out-Sourced Red Cell Attack to Israel?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Jim Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. Dozens of Confederate ancestors fought the Yankees in our Civil War. Uncles fought in WWII and Korea. His father as a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Vietnam found several uncles serving, a cousin, and brother Wendell as a young Ranger officer.

Boston Bombing – DHS Contracted Security out to Israelis

Veterans Today, 24 April 2013

The dust has settled on Boston, America’s newest example and scene of national insecurity.

As Kevin Barrett’s hugely successful Press TV article pointed out yesterday we witnessed corporate media suggesting a major domestic terror attack might have been done by our own security people. Military Intelligence agrees.

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Many in the Intel and national security business have watched all this happen just totally aghast not only at the brazenness involved to orchestrate such sting operations, but the general acceptance by a public that seems almost brain dead to the internal threat represented. There is much blame to go around.

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What we quickly observed was security breach after security breach, like all the doors had been left open. We saw Israeli operational profiles all over the place, many with ear buds getting feeds from higher up spotters who were watching where the cops and bomb dogs were, and where they were not.

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What we have here once again is a profile of a security stand down. Could it be incompetence? No, not when you outsource to one of the biggest terrorist operations in the world… the one called Israel.

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Let me repeat in closing. There was no way that two kettle bombs could have been walked in, placed, and then the bombers get away, without a security penetration letting them do it.

Read full article with photos..

G. I. Wilson: Intelligence Lessons Learned in Boston — and the Lack of Honest Competent Counterintelligence in the USA

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Col GI Wilson, USMC (Ret)
Col GI Wilson, USMC (Ret)

Seems some of the same old flaws we have highlighted for years…hoarding info giving a false sense of power, no appreciation of the value of OSINT- social media, and silo's of information concordant with age old turf sequestration. DNI has done little to reduce the overall intel community's friction but added to it…makes me believe the intel community has way too many layers and internal bureaucracies to be effective…too big to function but big enough to fail dramatically,yet, not change… organizational learning…we never learn we never learn.

Intelligence Lessons From the Boston Attacks

Scott Helfstein

Foreign Affairs, April 23, 2013

Last week’s attack at the Boston Marathon, like the attempted car bombing of Times Square almost three years ago, shows that the line between local conflicts and global ones has become thinner. Faisal Shahzad, the would-be terrorist in 2010, had legally lived in the United States for seven years and had earned citizenship the year before hatching his plot. He would later say that he was inspired to carry out the attack by the radical Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, but the United States discovered that the plot had, in fact, been organized and possibly financed by an extremist group called the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which usually targets the Pakistani state and military. The organization’s attempt to strike in the United States showed that its own distinction between the near and far enemy had become increasingly blurred.

Read full article.

Continue reading “G. I. Wilson: Intelligence Lessons Learned in Boston — and the Lack of Honest Competent Counterintelligence in the USA”

Josh Kilbourn: Citizen Overview of Boston False Flag Anomalies & Many Links

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, YouTube
Josh Kilbourn
Josh Kilbourn

One citizens tears the official narrative apart — completely.

Published on Apr 23, 2013

IF it is true that the FBI called the brothers to inform them they were suspects, why did they do that instead of picking them up for questioning, when Djohar was at school? It seems that the authorities wanted there to be a manhunt and a lockdown. And besides that, there are a lot of things about the official narrative that don't add up.

Many links from YouTube posting are below the video.

Links from YouTube Post in Original Order:

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