Robert Steele: Ranking Member Devin Nunes Triumphs, Puts It In Writing — Will GOP Retake the House Under His Moral Leadership?

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

I gave up on Congress ever being honest or useful some time ago, but the ethical and reasoned voice of Representative Devin Nunes is so inspiring that I dare hope that the GOP will retake the House in 2020, and the new Chairman will undertake intelligence reform — intelligence (and counterintelligence) reform most easily achieved if former General and National Security Advisor Mike Flynn were to be named the Director of National Intelligence with full power to clean house.  The abolishment of the FBI should be on the table, along with the elimination of all CIA and Mossad clandestine operations across the USA.

Devin Nunes: “Dirty Cops At The FBI And The Department of Justice” Committing Obstruction Of Congress To Hide Anti-Trump “Spy Ring”

‘You Need Rehabilitation': Nunes Letter Dismantles Schiff Over FISA Lies, Stroking Steele, And Participating In Coverup

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Owl: Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Connected to Mossad Jeffrey Epstein Pedophilia Entrapment Operations — Bill Clinton Was Primary Target – Includes Disinformation

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Who? Who?

 Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation

Bill Clinton was eventually blackmailed by the state of Israel and his administration was also targeted by Israeli espionage as part of the “Mega” spy scandal.

Kevin MacDonald on ADL's Close Ties to Mossad Pedophilia Entrapment Operations — and Use of CIA to Protect Epstein

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Ed Jewett: The Horowitz Report – A Whitewash? UPDATE 2: Hillary Fried

Corruption, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

Preliminary impression:  complete whitewash, no one goes to jail. Crucifies FBI on process error and leadership failure but effectively refuses to condemn anyone with the exception of Ohr.  Ohr takes the bullet.

PDF (476 Pages):

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