John Peterson: An Explanation of What Happened to Fox News

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, IO Impotency, Media

An email from unknown originator, worthy of reflection.

Subject: An explanation of what happened to Fox News

If you regularly watch Fox News and have been noticing something feels “off” with their election coverage, you’re not wrong. Around a year ago, conservative political wonks turned off Fox News for good. The reason why has to do with events that unfolded in 2019. What did these conservative news junkies see that the rest of us missed? And, why does it matter now?

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John Petersen: The Great Reset Toward Communism & 1% Tyranny Explained

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
  • The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life
  • The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”
  • There’s not a single area of life that is left out of this Great Reset plan. The planned reform will affect everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing and even how we interact with our fellow human beings in general
  • Privacy protections are a major hurdle in this plan, which is why every effort is made to get people to loosen their views on the right for privacy. In the U.S., we also have the Constitution that stands in the way, which is why efforts to undermine, circumvent, ignore or nullify it are increasing

Read full analysis.

Robert Steele: Media Disinformation, Active Lies, Criminal Legal Liability Soon?

Corruption, Media

I have  been ignoring the media disinformation related to Election 2020. Not only is it quite certain that President Donald Trump won in a landslide, it is equally certain that hundreds of state officials will soon be facing jail time for felonies that can be proven.

I thought today to simply throw up several headlines that are clearly false, repeating my view that all these media owners, editors, and authors are facing imminent criminal legal liability including arrest without bail.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Media Disinformation, Active Lies, Criminal Legal Liability Soon?”

Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction

Corruption, Ethics, Government, Media

If President Trump invokes the Insurrection Act, as Abraham Liincoln did, the media, starting with AP, NYT, and Twitter as well as YouTube, is immediately and deeply exposed to “by name” arrest of authors, editors, and managers, for

Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors

Even if he does not, they are still liable.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction”

Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military



Click image to go to video

Continue reading “Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)”

BREAKING: Kevin McDonald on Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi — Media as Propaganda and Censorship Bureau: the Jewish Angle

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Media

Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi: Media as Propaganda and Censorship Bureau: the Jewish Angle

Undiscussed by Hedges and Taibbi is the very prominent role of Jews in all this.

. . .

Also unmentioned is the role of the ADL in pressuring media companies to censor speech they don’t like. This has been going on for decades but quite obviously is reaching fruition now.

Continue reading “BREAKING: Kevin McDonald on Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi — Media as Propaganda and Censorship Bureau: the Jewish Angle”

Jonathan Turley: The Case for Internet Originalism – No Censorship

Ethics, Media

The Case For Internet Originalism

In this week’s Senate hearing on Twitter’s suppression of the Biden story, Democratic senators ignored the admissions of Big Tech CEOs that they were wrong to bar the story and, instead, insisted that the CEOs pledge to substantially increase such censorship. Senator Jacky Rosen warned the CEOS that “you are not doing enough” to prevent “disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate speech on your platforms.”

That is why a “living internet” interpretation is so dangerous. These companies are driven by profits and politics, not principle. If Democrats take control of Congress and the White House, these companies will face growing demands for increased censorship.

Read full article.