Journal: Washington State Privatizes All-Source Fusion Center Intelligence

Law Enforcement
Privatizing Intelligence
Privatizing Intelligence

Washington Joint Analytical Center Seattle

private intelligence outsourcing,

1525 pages, 2006-200

July 26, 2009


This confidential 1525 page scanned file (61Mb, PDF) is notable for its comprehensive insight into the revolving door world of public-private intelligence in the United States and attempts by the Washington State Patrol to privatize its “criminal intelligence” function.

The document details a tendering process for private sector deployment of intelligence functions inside the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) on behalf of the Washington State Patrol (WSP).

It includes pricing, proposals, contracts, background checks, courses, certificates, and resumes of past intelligence work by tender applicant personnel—including detainee interrogation and deployments throughout the world.

The WAJAC is an intelligence “fusion” center used for data-sharing by a number of law enforcement-military groups. Elsewhere, these centers, have been secretly promoted by the US Army as a method to evade posse comitatus restrictions.

Similarly, usurping regulated police with private intelligence contractors reduces accountability. Contractors, for instance, usually do not have to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++

Please click on WikiLeaks Logo for the Full Story and other related links.

It is our strongly held view that intelligence is both an inherent responsibility of the commander, and cannot be “delegated” in the sense of failing to treat intelligence as a commander's responsibility 24/7; and that intelligence for purposes of national security is an inherent function of government, with the specific observation that secret sources and methods and all-source analysis should be restricted to career employees of the government at whatever level they are being undertaken.  Contractors have a huge and legitimate role to play, but clandestine collection, covert actions, and the final responsibility for analytics and dissemiantion of analytic judgements to the commander, should not be done by contractors.

Similarly, we believe that clearances are a privilege, and that anyone who resigns from government service prior to their projected retirement eligibility date should expect to automatically lose their clearances and fall to the back of the line.  We must put an end to robbing one side of government of a perfectly-positioned government employee, so as to allow a contractor to meet a need elsewhere in government with an employee whose primary attribute these days is the clearance, not the bucket of skills actually needed.

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Losers Hang On”

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 10 Security, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Full Story Online
Full Story Online


Published: July 25, 2009

After spending a week traveling the frontline of the “war on terrorism” — from the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ronald Reagan in the seas off Iran, to northern Iraq, to Afghanistan and into northwest Pakistan — I can comfortably report the following: The bad guys are losing.

Yes, the dominos you see falling in the Muslim world today are the extremist Islamist groups and governments. They have failed to persuade people by either their arguments or their performances in power that their puritanical versions of Islam are the answer. Having lost the argument, though, the radicals still hang on thanks to gun barrels and oil barrels — and they can for a while.

. . . . . . .

To the extent that the radical Islamists have any energy today, it comes not from the power of their ideas or examples of good governance, but by stoking sectarian feuds. In Afghanistan, the Taliban play on Pashtun nationalist grievances, and in Iraq, the Sunni jihadists draw energy from killing Shiites.

The only way to really dry up their support, though, is for the Arab and Muslim modernists to actually implement better ideas by producing less corrupt and more consensual governance, with better schools, more economic opportunities and a vision of Islam that is perceived as authentic yet embracing of modernity. That is where “our” allies in Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan have so consistently failed. Until that happens, the Islamist radicals will be bankrupt, but not out of business.

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++

Most readers will focus on the beginning of Friedman's story and completely miss the ending.  What Friedman does not state that needs stating over and over again is that the U.S. taxpayer is being cheated by a foreign policy that substitutes technology for thinking, military sales for strategy, and convenient dictators for democracy.  Until we have an Undersecretary of State for Democracy with one Assistant Secretary for those dictators that agree to a five-year exit strategy, another for those that do not; and a counterpart Undersecretary of Defense for Peace who can move beyond the lip service that Defense continues to give to Operations Other Than War (OOTW), Stabilization & Reconstructions (S&R), Humanitarian Assistance (HA), and the mother of all military strategies, Irregular Warfare properly defined as Waging Peace by All Means Possible,  we will continue to betray the public interest at home as well as abroad.

Click on NYT Logo Above for the Full Story Online.

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Class Too Dumb to Quit”

Military, Peace Intelligence
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Our policy is to point to the original full sotry online whenever the source offers a persistent URL that does not require registration.  Below are extracts from Tom Friedman's “The Class Too Dumb to Quit,” as flagged by Marcus Aurelius, pseudonym for a Special Operations officer with decades of HUMINT abroad.


This scene is a reason for worry, for optimism and for questioning everything we are doing in Afghanistan. It is worrying because between the surges in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are grinding down our military. I don’t know how these people and their families put up with it. Never have so many asked so much of so few.

The reason for optimism? All those deployments have left us with a deep cadre of officers with experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, now running both wars — from generals to captains. They know every mistake that has been made, been told every lie, saw their own soldiers killed by stupidity, figured out solutions and built relationships with insurgents, sheikhs and imams on the ground that have given the best of them a granular understanding of the “real” Middle East that would rival any Middle East studies professor.

. . . . . . .

Early in both Iraq and Afghanistan our troops did body counts, à la Vietnam. But the big change came when the officers running these wars understood that R.B.’s (“relationships built”) actually matter more than K.I.A.’s. One relationship built with an Iraqi or Afghan mayor or imam or insurgent was worth so much more than one K.I.A. Relationships bring intelligence; they bring cooperation. One good relationship can save the lives of dozens of soldiers and civilians. One reason torture and Abu Ghraib got out of control was because our soldiers had built so few relationships that they tried to beat information out of people instead. But relationship-building is painstaking.

And that leads to my unease. America has just adopted Afghanistan as our new baby. The troop surge that President Obama ordered here early in his tenure has taken this mission from a limited intervention, with limited results, to a full nation-building project that will take a long time to succeed — if ever. We came here to destroy Al Qaeda, and now we’re in a long war with the Taliban. Is that really a good use of American power?

. . . . . . .

The bad news? This is State-Building 101, and our partners, the current Afghan police and government, are so corrupt that more than a few Afghans prefer the Taliban. With infinite time, money, soldiers and aid workers, we can probably reverse that. But we have none of these. I feel a gap building between our ends and our means and our time constraints. My heart says: Mission critical — help those Afghans who want decent government. My head says: Mission impossible.

Does Mr. Obama understand how much he’s bet his presidency on making Afghanistan a stable country? Too late now. So, here’s hoping that The Class Too Dumb to Quit can take all that it learned in Iraq and help rebuild The Country That’s Been Too Broken to Work.

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++

“Relationships Built” versus “Body Count” is a major step foreword.  However, the management of “Full-Spectrum HUMINT across the US Government is so inept as to be virtually criminal.  Within the Department of Defense, the Human Terrain System (HTT) and the lack of linguists also able to write coherently in English stand out as sucking chest wounds.

With respect to Viet-Nam, click on the cover below to read our review of Triumph Forsaken.  There is absolutely no question in our mind but that IF the U.S. Government were to find its integrity, strategic center of gravitas, and the will to restore the Constitution and the Republic, that Whole of Government operations could not only create a prosperous world at peace, but we could also wipe out our multi-trillion dollar deficits within a decade.  INTEGRITY.  One word, one world, one outcome.


Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights: Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

Military, Peace Intelligence
The attached report in the New York Times portrays, perhaps inadvertently, some of the mental effects of the Taliban's (really the Afghan) style of war, note particularly an impression of being surprised by the tactical skill exhibited by the Aghan insurgents.  In that sense, this report compliments and reinforces the far more detailed information in the Times [UK] which describes the travails of the Welsh Guards in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, which I discussed in Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee: The Taliban Rope-a-Dope (Counterpunch, 14 July 2009).  With respect to the attached report, I made a few elaborating notes in red.

Chuck Spinney
+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++
Should the reader desire to preview the two cited references above, they can be found by clicking on Frog left for the Times Online piece and Frog Right for the Counterpunch piece.  In the Times Online piece we note with respect the Taliban's precision targeting of officers generally and the most senior commanders specifically.

+++++++End Editorial Comment+++++++

July 26, 2009

Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

New York Times

NAWA, Afghanistan — In three combat tours in Anbar Province, Marine Sgt. Jacob Tambunga fought the deadliest insurgents in Iraq.

But he says he never encountered an enemy as tenacious as what he saw immediately after arriving at this outpost in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. In his first days here in late June, he fought through three ambushes, each lasting as long as the most sustained fight he saw in Anbar.

Like other Anbar veterans here, Sergeant Tambunga was surprised to discover guerrillas who, if not as lethal, were bolder than those he fought in Iraq.

“They are two totally different worlds,” said Sergeant Tambunga, a squad leader in Company C, First Battalion, Fifth Marines.

“In Iraq, they’d hit you and run,” he said. “But these guys stick around and maneuver on you.”

They also have a keen sense of when to fight and when the odds against them are too great. Three weeks ago, the American military mounted a 4,000-man Marine offensive in Helmandthe largest since President Obama’s troop increase — and so far in many places, American commanders say, they have encountered less resistance than expected.

Yet it is also clear to many Marines and villagers here that Taliban fighters made a calculated decision: to retreat and regroup to fight where and when they choose. And in the view of troops here who fought intensely in the weeks before the offensive began, fierce battles probably lie ahead if they are to clear the Taliban from sanctuaries so far untouched.

“It was straight luck that we didn’t have a lot more guys hit,” said Sgt. Brandon Tritle, another squad leader in Company C, who cited the Taliban’s skill at laying down a base of fire to mount an attack.

“One force will put enough fire down so you have to keep your heads down, then another force will maneuver around to your side to try to kill you,” he said. “That’s the same thing we do.”

In other parts of Helmand the Taliban have been quick to mount counterattacks. Since the offensive began, 10 Marines have been killed, many of them south of Garmser in areas thick with roadside bombs. In addition, British forces in Helmand, who often travel in lightly armored vehicles, have lost 19 men, all but two from bombs.

All told, Western troops have died in greater numbers in Helmand this month than in any other province in Afghanistan over a similar period since the 2001 invasion.

It is unclear whether the level of casualties will remain this high. But the Taliban can ill afford to lose the Helmand River Valley, a strip of land made arable by a network of canals that nourish the nation’s center for poppy growing.

“This is what fuels the insurgency,” said Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, commander of the Marine brigade leading the offensive. [CS: hatred of outsiders is what fuels the insurgency, drug money from poppies may make it easier to fund insurgency, and getting rid of money from drug trade might make insurgent operations more difficult, but it will not end the insurgency — this statement is a good example of the U.S. military's predilection for confusing tactical physical (especially logistics related) factors with strategic moral forces.]

For now, the strategy of the Taliban who used to dominate this village, 15 miles south of the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, is to watch and wait [CS: i.e., to learn via trial and error] just outside, villagers and Marines here say.

“They all escaped,” said Sardar Gul, a shopkeeper at the Nawa bazaar. Mr. Gul and others who reopened stores after the Marines arrived estimate that 300 to 600 Taliban fled to Marjah, 15 miles to the west and not under American control, joining perhaps more than 1,000 fighters.

Marine commanders acknowledge that they could have focused more on cutting off escape routes early in the operation, an issue that often dogged offensives against insurgents in Iraq.

“I wish we had trapped a few more folks,” the commander of First Battalion, Fifth Marines, Lt. Col. William F. McCollough, told the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, who visited Nawa. “I expected there to be more fighting.”

When the full battalion arrived in Nawa in early July, the Taliban “knew we were too powerful for them” and left, said Staff Sgt. Michael Placencia, a platoon sergeant in Company C.

But he predicted the Taliban would stand and fight if Marines were to assault Marjah, describing them as a “more efficient” foe than the insurgents he saw as a squad leader in Anbar in 2005 and 2006.  [CS: i.e., he predicted that that the Taliban will do what we want them to do, so we can use our superior firepower to blow them away — not likely, except by accident or error.]

“They will come back, and they will try to take this back and pin us down,” said Maj. Rob Gallimore, a British officer who trains Afghan soldiers here. He hopes that the Marines do not spread themselves too thin and that they focus instead on building a deep bond with locals in places they occupy, a classic counterinsurgency tactic.

So Marines are bracing for a fight against guerrillas who, they discovered in June, are surprisingly proficient at tactics the Marines themselves learned in infantry school.

“They’d flank us, and we’d flank them, just like a chess match,” said Sgt. Jason Lynd, another squad leader in Company C.

In June the Marines ended up in sustained firefights the first four times they left their outpost. The Taliban were always overmatchedattacking the Marines with only one-third the number of menbut they pressed the fight, laying complex ambushes and then cutting off Marines as they made their way back to base. [CS: Use of the word “complex” is very revealing, because it is evidence of a deleterious mental effect — to wit: complexity is aself-referencing quality that describes a whole by relating the number, variety, and arrangements of the parts to one's ability to comprehend the whole.  Use of the term “complex” reflects on the observer, implying that something is difficult to understand. In this regard, it is important to appreciate that the Taliban tactics may appear complex to those trying to comprehend them from the receiving point of view, but it in not way implies that they are harder to understand or difficult to execute from  the Taliban's or delivering point view.  Thus the use of the term “complex” in this context hints at a dangerous asymmetry in OODA loops.]

One fight began after Marines stopped three vans, which they let go. Fifteen minutes later they took fire from two homes near where they had been pursuing a suspicious man they wanted to question. They cleared both buildings, but were then attacked by gunmen behind the homes, some of whom, the Marines believe, had been in the three vans, a few disguised in burqas.

Somehow, none of the Marines were hit in the secondary ambush. “They tried to suck us in, and their plan worked,” Sergeant Tritle said. “They just missed.”

No Marines were killed in the two weeks they were here in June.

In contrast to Iraqi insurgents, the Taliban do not seem to have access to large artillery shells and other powerful military munitions that Anbar fighters used to kill hundreds of Marines and soldiers. The bombs found so far have been largely homemade with fertilizer, though they have still killed more than 20 British soldiers and United States Marines to the north and south of Nawa.

“If they had better weapons, we’d be in real trouble,” said Lance Cpl. Vazgen Matevosyan.

What the Taliban lack in munitions they make up for in tactics, even practicing “information operations” and disinformation, Marines say. Knowing the Marines listen to their two-way communications, they say, the Taliban describe phony locations of ambushes and bombs. [CS: yet another reference to mental effects again]

“They’re not stupid,” said Lance Cpl. Frank Hegel. “You can tell they catch on to things, and they don’t make the same mistake twice.” [and again]

Taliban Attack Police Station

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Taliban fighters wearing suicide vests and armed with AK-47 rifles and rocket-propelled grenades attacked the main police station in the southeastern city of Khost on Saturday, officials said. They set off gun battles that went on for hours and left 7 militants dead and 14 other people wounded.

Also on Saturday, a British soldier was killed by a roadside bomb during a patrol around Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand Province.

Zemeri Bashary, an Interior Ministry spokesman, said all the attackers in Khost were killed, but the Defense Ministry later said that one attacker might have escaped.

Journal: The List of Negatives Keeps Growing Report Card on Obama From a New Frontiersman

Government, Legislation, Reform
Report Card
Full Original Story Online

by William Polk

Probably like most of you, I am engaged in a daily attempt to make up my mind about President Obama. I was an early supporter.

And as a former Washington “player,” I am aware how difficult is his position. I began to worry when he failed to grasp what I have seen to be the early window of opportunity for a new administration — the first three months — when the government is relatively fluid. As the months have flown by, I have seen that there are many positive things, mainly in his eloquent addresses on world problems, notably his speech at the University of Cairo on world pluralism, but also quite a few negative things. With sadness and alarm I find that my list of the negatives keeps on growing.

Among them are the following:

(1) The commitment to the war in “Af-Pak” which (I believe) will cost America upwards of $6 trillion but perhaps only a few hundred casualties since we are relying increasingly on drone bombing. Just the money costs could derail almost everything Obama's supporters hoped and thought his administration would do.

(2) the choice of personnel is (to me) baffling:


I am waiting for the Obama we elected to show up. I hope this drama does not follow Samuel Beckett's script.

William Polk served as the Middle East expert on the State Department's Policy Planning Staff during the Kennedy administration. He is the author of Violent Politics: a History of Insurgency and Terrorism from the American Revolution to Iraq.

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++

The essence of intelligence qua decision-support is “360 degree awareness” as well as historical and cultural depth, and a green-eye shade understanding of “true costs” not only in fiscal terms, but in moral, demogrpahic, environmental, and social terms.

It is our view that President Barack Obama isa good man trapped in a bad system, and that all he needs to do in order to restore America's integrity and fiscal as well as moral health is these two things:

1)  Demand of Congress the Electoral Reforn Act of 2009, a copy of which can be seen by clicking on the Frog to the left; and

2)  Demand of Congress the Smart Nation Act of 2009, a copy of which can be seen by clicking on the Frog in the middle.

There is nothing wrong with America, or the Earth, that cannot be fixed by restoring the Constitution and the Republic Of, By, and For We the People, the soverign people replete with common sense and public intelligence in the public interest.

There is nothing wrong with the Obama Administration professionally that cannot be fixed by the introduction of a Whole of Government strategic planning, programming, and budgeting process, as well as a transformation of national intelligence to provide all necessary decision support to the President AND everyone else.  Click on the Frog to the left for that White Paper, forthcoming in the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (Winter 2009-2010).

Electoral Reform
Electoral Reform

Electoral Reform is straight-forward.  It restores free and open elections in place of the two-party tyranny, and it restores the right to vote across every district.  This version does not contain a number of rightwous ideas from the Independent voters who now outnumber BOTH the Democratic and Republican voters.

The Smart Nation Act was devised the Congressman Rob Simmons (R-CT-02), himself a professional intelligence officer and retired Army Colonel.  It enables “school-house to White House” decision support against all threats across all policies.

Smart Nation
Smart Nation

Finally, we have the urgent need to fix the inner workings of the White House and National Intelligence.  Many Commissions have reported on this since 1947, most notably and presciently Jim Schlesinger's in the 1970's, and more recently Aspin-Brown (completely ignored by successive Administraitons).  America is too complicated to be run by one cabal lacking in global knowledge.

Process Reform
Process Reform

Journal: Losing the Long War

Military, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look

Phi Beta Iota Editorial:

“Losing the Long War” is a common refains among the chattering pundits, but they are making one fundamental mistake: those of us with brains and eyes and ears all knew this in 1988 and gave voice to our views in 1998.  The problem is the chasm between those in power, who live in a “closed circle,” and those with knowledge, who actually follow the multicultural nuances of cause and effect and inputs and outcomes.  Below is a quote from Daniel Elsberg speaking to Henry Kissinger–the same could be said today to the National Security Advisor now serving:

The danger is, you’ll become like a moron. You’ll become incapable of learning from most people in the world, no matter how much experience they have in their particular areas that may be much greater than yours” [because of your blind faith in the value of your narrow and often incorrect secret information].

Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg, SECRETS: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (Viking, 2002). This is his recollection of his words to Henry Kissinger, then National Security Advisor to President Richard Nixon. The three pages on the pathological effects of falling prey to the cult of secrecy, on pages 237-239, should be forced rote memorization for all who receive clearances. Click on the book cover to read our complete summative review of SECRETS: A Memoir.

The Administration does not lack for solutions.  It lacks for openness and outreach to those who do know, and it lacks for independence from Goldman Sachs specifically and Wall Street generally.

The US taxpayer is starting to figure this out, and over half those eligible to vote are now contemplating an end to the two-party bi-nopoly of the White House and Congress through massive Independent turn-out.

It also bears mention that the good Mr. May appears to have no clue as to the actual cause of the global economic collapse, namely Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, and the Russian Roulette that Wall Street has been playing with the US and the Global economies–at our expense.  See my review of Webster Griffin Tarpley's revied and updated edition of Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History.   The American taxpayer does not just need a new government–we need to flush all the “think tanks” down the toilet, for they have clearly lost any semblance of the ability to actually THINK.

+++++++End Editorial+++++++

Full Story
Full Story

Below is an excerpt from a Washington Times story, and a link to the book being discussed.

Losing the Long War by Clifford D. May,  Saturday, July 25, 2009

In 1993, R. James Woolsey, about to become President Clinton's first director of Central Intelligence, remarked to a Senate committee on the defeat of international communism: “We have slain a large dragon.”

He then added: “But we live now in a jungle filled with a bewildering variety of poisonous snakes. And in many ways, the dragon was easier to keep track of.”

Years later, we still seem bewildered. America's military has demonstrated astonishing ingenuity and adaptability. But have other instruments of government power risen to the challenges posed by international jihadism?

In his new book, “Winning the Long War,” Ilan Berman, vice president for policy at the American Foreign Policy Council, makes a persuasive case that they have not, that the United States instead has lost “the initiative on the dominant battlefields of today's conflict: ideology, strategic communications, economics, law and development.” Regaining the initiative, he urges, should be among the highest priorities of the new administration.

Amazon Page and Full Review
Amazon Page and Full Review

Click on the book cover to reach its Amazon page.

It turns out the Washington Times is just pulling the whole thing from Scripps News, so below is a second excerpt, click on the Scripps News logo to read their entire original version.


Berman gives higher marks to the U.S. Treasury Department, which has waged economic warfare by seizing or freezing hundred of millions of dollars that otherwise would have gone to al-Qaeda and similar organizations.

But there has been no serious effort to “make the international economy as a whole inhospitable to exploitation by terrorist groups and radical regimes,” to prevent multinational companies from carrying out “business as usual with terror-sponsoring regimes,” or even to stop American taxpayer dollars from ending up assisting regimes such as that in Iran. The Bush administration never aimed at Iran's Achilles' heel: its dependence on foreign supplies of gasoline. Congress and the Obama administration are now, finally and rather hesitantly, considering this last, best option to peacefully pressure Iran's rulers.

“If we are to stem the tide of Islamic radicalism, then we must do more than simply continue down the path we are currently on,” notes former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the foreword to Berman's book. First and foremost, winning the long war will require re-thinking the conflict being waged against the West, and learning how to utilize non-military instruments of national power much more effectively than we have done to date.

+++++++Other Related Online Elements+++++++

Long War Journal
Long War Journal

Long War Journal and Counterterrorism Blog

Worth a look.  Includes contributions from Zachary Abuza and many others outside the US Government war college and think tank circuit.

Journal: Diller calls free web content a ‘myth

Full Story
Full Story

Barry Diller, chairman and CEO of IAC/InterActiveCorp, said Web users will have to pay for what they watch and use, joining the refrain of media moguls who say an era of free Internet content is ending.

The media and technology executive, whose company runs the search engine and the dating service, said it's “mythology” to view the Internet as a system of free communications.

“It is not free, and is not going to be,” Diller said Friday at the Fortune Brainstorm conference in Pasadena. In addition to IAC, he is chairman of Expedia, the online travel service, and Ticketmaster Entertainment.

Diller joined a group of media chiefs, from Liberty Media's John Malone to Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger, who are challenging the accepted model that consumers pay for Internet access and then content is free. Diller predicted there will be three revenue streams: advertising, subscriptions and transactions.

+++++++Click on the Logo Above for the Full Story+++++++

Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment:

These guys are both desperate, and dinosaurs.  They are precisely analogous to the secret intelligence mandarins convinced that the American taxpayer will continue to pay for secret sources & methods that do not yield results (see story on “Losing the Long War.”

NEWSFLASH: Epoch A top-downunilateral “command & control” era is OVER.  Epoch B, bottom-up multinational social network collaboration and consensus content creation is here now.  These folks may have read the books (see our Reviews) such as Wealth of Networks, Groundswell, Here Comes Everybody, Army of Davids, Smart Mobs, Infinite Wealth, Revolutionary Wealth…the list grows every day, but they have not understood the point.  The cell phone, text messages, Rapid SMS aggregators, and “free” content sense-makers that monetize the back-endrather than the front end are the future.

Use the RSS feature to follow this and other free online stories in the Journal of Public Intelligence.