Caitlin Johnstone: Is YouTube Totally Insane or Part of Trump Drama?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media

Yet Another Major Escalation In Establishment Internet Censorship

YouTube, whose corporate owner Google is arguably the most powerful company on earth, is now deleting user videos which claim the US election was fraudulent.

YouTube’s official statement on its decision to do this is very revealing, not so much for what it says as for what it does not say.

Read full article.

Mongoose: Attorney Ty Clevenger’s Determination Led to the FBI Announcing Today They Actually Did Have Thousands of Documents on Seth Rich and His Laptop

Corruption, Law Enforcement

FBI needs a deep purge.

Attorney Ty Clevenger’s Determination Led to the FBI Announcing Today They Actually Did Have Thousands of Documents on Seth Rich and His Laptop

For four years the FBI lied and said they had nothing on Seth Rich, but then today we learn that the FBI has 20,000 pages and a laptop all related to Seth Rich.  The Deep State FBI liars finally brought the Seth Rich case out of the closet.

According to Ty, the NSA, knows exactly who sent the records to Wikileaks. So does the FBI.

It was then suspected that the CIA had a more prominent role in the fabrication that Russians hacked the DNC and “fingerprints” were identified in the purported hacking.

Read full article with many excellent links.

Robert Steele: False Alarm Over Sunspots, Real Opportunity for Digital Integrity

03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call

Digital Economy Disruption Possible As “Terminator Event” Suggests Strongest Sunspot Cycle On Record Imminent

Zero Hedge has published a very fine article on sunspots and how they might affect the digital economy. It has useful graphics and is worth reading in full.

It is also a false alarm.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: False Alarm Over Sunspots, Real Opportunity for Digital Integrity”