Byron York: Without a Senator, Democrats Failed to Block Trump in 2016 Congress — Does Trump Have One Senator Ready to Go?

Civil Society, Ethics, Government


The Electoral College voted on Monday to elect Joe Biden president. That is done. But there is one more step in the process. On January 6, Congress will officially ratify the Electoral College vote and declare Biden the president-elect. But now, there is talk that some House Republicans will try to disrupt the ceremony.

Phi Beta Iota: Riveting account of how Joe Biden blocked all Democratic attempts to overturn 2016 election of Donald Trump in Congress by objecting to electoral votes from specific states. A solid read. We are betting that President Trump has all the Senators he needs; and enough NSA material on the House Democrats to assure a successful overturning of multiple state electoral votes rooted in provable fraud.

#UNRIG Video (9:03) President Trump Will NOT Concede, All Winning Cards Including Insurrection Act in Play

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, and Full-Screen Viewing

Seven aces: Assange, Epstein, Snowden, two laptops, NSA declass, Military Tribunals (new AG), Insurrection Act/nationalize media after arresting the treasonous asshole owners, editors, and writers/anchors.

Steven Aftergood: CRS on 2020 Electoral College

Civil Society, Ethics, Government


The procedural steps leading up to inauguration of the next President on January 20, 2021 are described in a recent Congressional Research Service publication. See The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline, CRS In Focus, October 22, 2020.

An updated CRS report describes the joint session of Congress at which electoral votes are certified and counted. See Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress, December 8, 2020.

Robert Steele: Great Reset Mind-Control Plan in 47 Pages

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Originally an update to Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1, decided it needed its own post.

The below PDF is the original seriously slick bull-shit  that the 1% thought would fly. Thiink of this as the retarded dwarf version (Klaus Schwab + Greta  Thunberg) of what is now call Inclusive Capitalism (Lynn Rothschild and the Pope in drag).

PDF  (47 Pages): The Great Reset Original Propaganda and Control Concept

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Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Zero Hedge: Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism”, Signs Partnership With The Vatican

ROBERT STEELE: This is a “who's who” for the 1% and this is the most dangerous alliance to be created in modern time. It must be killed early and its individual “leaders” removed from public life forevermore. I noticed it in 2014.

Doug Casey's International Man: You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy

Council for Inclusive Capitalism (Lynn Rothschild in drag)

Council for Inclusive Capitalism and the Vatican (Pope in drag)

Continue reading “Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1”

Jon Rappoport: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Exposing COVID Test Fraud Will Bury Anthony Fauci

Ethics, Government

Boom: Florida forcing labs to report number of PCR test cycles—game changer

The Florida governor and the Department of Health are aware that tests run at 35 cycles or higher are useless and misleading, and they want to stop this crime.

Phi Beta Iota: We assess all of President Trump's moves on vaccination to be deceptive, buying time. What DeSantis is doing is the beginning of the end for the Deep State lies and crimes against humanity centered on a fake pandemic with 99% false positives.