Berto Jongman: War on the Rocks Zachery Tyson Brown What If Sherman Kent Was Wrong? Revisiting the Intelligence Debate of 1949

Ethics, Government

What If Sherman Kent Was Wrong? Revisiting the Intelligence Debate of 1949

, War on the Rocks

One of Kent’s contemporaries noted in 1962 that most policy decisions were made without any input from intelligence — something Kent himself begrudgingly acknowledged and that has since been confirmed again, again, and again. Even when policymakers do make use of intelligence, it is often only insofar as it supports their preordained conclusions, a pathology evinced on both sides of the political aisle. There is no evidence to support the naïve assumption that policymakers will change their minds when presented with one of Kent’s “stubborn facts.”

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Mongoose: Florida Nukes Antifa/BLM (and Threatens Bloomberg with Indictment)

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

This is what all Governors should be doing.

DeSantis did not shoot across the bow of Antifa/BLM, he dropped a tactical nuke.

Violent assembly, 3rd degree felony.  Blocking the road? Felony. Don’t touch monuments (no mention of penalty) Harassment of Citizens in public accommodations also penalized, ,  My most thunderous applause was when he announced that R.I.C.O. will be applied to those organizing or funding riots. If you are arrested in a riot, not Portland’s Catch and Release: you are staying till you see a judge. Touch a cop? Six months mandatory minimum.  And enhanced penalties for other crimes committed during the riots. (ouch).

To municipalities “If you defund the police, then the state is going to defund any grants or aids coming to you.”

Video below the fold.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Florida Nukes Antifa/BLM (and Threatens Bloomberg with Indictment)”

Andrew Napolitano: The Freedom to Pursue Happiness

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Alert Reader writes in:

Best legal explanation of why the entire scamdemic and following diktats are so completely unconstitutional that, were I one who lost my business, my job and/or my apartment because of the lockdowns, I would be marching right into a (real) constitutional attorneys practice and explore how to personally sue the crap out of all those politicians and cops who harassed me, in order to recover treble the damages inflicted to me. I might also look into suing all those businesses who forbid entry precisely on the mask issue…

The Freedom To Pursue Happiness

Constitutional Sheriffs: Vet Your Sheriff (Free)

Ethics, Law Enforcement

In February, 2016 CSPOA Leadership developed #VETYOURSHERIFF as a non-partisan initiative focused solely on the Constitution.

The Sheriff is the CLEO, or CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, of his/her county. As an elected official he/she is the ultimate protector of the people providing a check and balance locally, for any state or federal agency that may infringe the constitutional rights of the people.

We believe that these honorable men and women are ready and willing to serve to the best of their ability and want to identify those who have strong constitutional values. The sheriff is a citizen first, elected by citizens (the people) and answers ONLY TO THE PEOPLE.

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