Mongoose: Are Democrats Under Trump Control?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Proof of Submission to Trump / 3Days3Nights

“Relax. Trump already won. He forced the globe to submit to #MAGA under fear of DECLASS. Everything you are witnessing now is the dead cat bounce of Satanic Socialists. And it will wake up BILLIONS. Here’s proof to make your day. ”

Continue reading “Mongoose: Are Democrats Under Trump Control?”

Donald Trump: On QAnon Against Pedophiles & Satanists UPDATE 1

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement

‘Is that such a bad thing?': Trump willing to help QAnon conspiracy theorists ‘save the world' from cannibals and paedophiles

Phi Beta Iota: The Deep State is in a panic.

Facebook removes QAnon conspiracy group with 200,000 members

Facebook purges 790 QAnon groups as the fringe conspiracy movement keeps growing

Both Satanists and pedophiles (including murderous pedophiles) are being identified. Below is one starting point for public education, all chapters free in full text online, plus a tag cloud of all names.

See Especially:

See Also:  Q @ Phi Beta Iota and QA @ Phi Beta Iota

UPDATE 1: Another post on Q Anon will appear tomorrow, in the interest of deepening this first widely shared post, here is an advance view of the Q portion.

Continue reading “Donald Trump: On QAnon Against Pedophiles & Satanists UPDATE 1”