Marcus Aurelius: Army Talking Points on Sequesters — REVISED to Respect Push-Back

Corruption, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

This is UNOFFICIAL at this time, it has NOT been validated as an official document.  The depiction of most Army contractors as small to mid-size businesses with moderate to severe risk of bankruptcy if sequester cuts take place, is a useful point for investigators.  What is missing is a global “picture” of what different kinds of cuts mean in terms of mission effectiveness and response times.  Absent forward basing, most CONUS-based responses packages will take up to nine days to deliver.

2013 Army TP on Sequestration

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Owl: Naomi Wolf — JSOC Obama’s Secret Assasins

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

JSoc: Obama's secret assassins

The president has a clandestine network targeting a ‘kill list' justified by secret laws. How is that different than a death squad?

The film Dirty Wars, which premiered at Sundance, can be viewed, as Amy Goodman sees it, as an important narrative of excesses in the global “war on terror”. It is also a record of something scary for those of us at home – and uncovers the biggest story, I would say, in our nation's contemporary history.

Though they wisely refrain from drawing inferences, Scahill and Rowley have uncovered the facts of a new unaccountable power in America and the world that has the potential to shape domestic and international events in an unprecedented way. The film tracks the Joint Special Operations Command (JSoc), a network of highly-trained, completely unaccountable US assassins, armed with ever-expanding “kill lists”. It was JSoc that ran the operation behind the Navy Seal team six that killed bin Laden.

Scahill and Rowley track this new model of US warfare that strikes at civilians and insurgents alike – in 70 countries. They interview former JSoc assassins, who are shell-shocked at how the “kill lists” they are given keep expanding, even as they eliminate more and more people.

Read full article.

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Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

Government, Ineptitude
John Brennan
John Brennan

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan)

One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater.

One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from bad judgment on the part of CIA managers with more hubris than common sense.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

First major promise, no chance of being honored:  “If confirmed, I would make it my mission — in partnership with the Congress — to ensure that the men and women of the CIA have the training, tradecraft, linguistic skills, technical tools, guidance, supervision, and leadership they need to do their jobs.  That's seven current failures, there is ZERO prospect of his getting CIA to anything better than a C- in the next three years, and much more likely he will float at a D+.

Second and final promise, no chance of being honored:  “And if given the honor to serve as the 21st Director of the CIA, I would take it as a sacred obligation to do everything in my ability to make sure the Central Intelligence Agency is the absolute best intelligence service it can be and one that makes all Americans proud.  Never.  Ever.  He does not know what he needs to know and he does not have the juice he needs to actually fix the place.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Strike One:  80% Fluff, draconian inflation and overstatement of CIA service and risk

Strike Two:  Nothing wrong with CIA

Strike Three:  Nothing wrong with DNI

Bottom line:  Like Chuck Hagel, he has blown a chance to give his prospective fiefdom a fresh start.  If he had come in all substance, leading with “drones go to the military, we are out of the drone business from the day I arrive,” and then had something serious to say about each of the CIA's mission areas, he might have mustered a tiny bit of gravitas.  If he is confirmed, it is because CIA does not matter and no one cares about its future.

Directly Related:

Berto Jongman: SSCI Pre-Hearing Q&A — Superb Questions, Cloudy Answers — Robert Steele Answers 6 of 40 Questions Honestly + IC/CIA Health RECAP

See Also:

Continue reading “Reference: John Brennan's Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP”

SchwartzReport: When Corruption Rules — Three Examples

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, 12 Water, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

schwartz reportIn the endless blather by the Right about the debt, which is meaningless in the short-term, but which has captured the media, the issues covered in this report rarely get attention. They should. This is the real crisis.

Solve the Real Problems – Poverty Retirement and Health Insecurity – and the Economy Will Recover

When we confront the crises of poverty retirement and health insecurity, we discover that Social Security and Medicare are not the problems; they are the solutions.

schwartz reportWe have endless money for war, and we subsidize Big Oil to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, even as their profits soar to empyrean levels. Yet the basic infrastructure of the country is slowly coming apart in front of us, as this report shows. Millions of jobs could be created if we took our future seriously. But we don't.

America’s Maritime Infrastructure: Crying Out for Dollars
The Economist (U.K.)

NEW ORLEANS — THE Industrial Canal Lock in New Orleans connects two of America’s highest-tonnage waterways: the Mississippi River-which handles more than 6,000 ocean vessels, 150,000 barges and 500m tonnes of cargo each year, as well as much of its grain, corn and soyabean production-and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, which runs from refinery-rich south-eastern Texas to Florida. Ships pass from one to the other via a lock that was built in 1921, and is 600 usable feet long, or half the length of a modern lock. Its replacement was authorised in 1956. Construction on the replacement was authorised in 1998, and then stalled by lawsuits. The most optimistic predictions of the Army Corps of Engineers, which maintains America’s inland waterways, see the new lock being completed in 2030.

schwartz reportSuperbugs, superweeds. There is an inherent problem with an approach to nature that is predicated on dominance as opposed to cooperation. Whether it is antibiotics or herbicides that approach never gets all the “bugs” in a hospital, or the weeds in a farm field. The result: the survivors mutate and become resistant, so strong antibiotics, and stronger poisons are required in a future round until, eventually, the d! rugs and poisons no matter how strong just stop working. That's where we are in our hospitals, and now where we are in our fields. You'd think this progression would be obvious. But the corporate greed for short-term profit just overwhelms good sense.

Nearly Half of All US Farms Now Have Superweeds
TOM PHILPOTT – Mother Jones

But of course there's another way. In a 2012 study I'll never tire of citing, Iowa State University researchers found that if farmers simply diversified their crop rotations, which typically consist of corn one year and soy the next, year after year, to include a “small grain” crop (e.g. oats) as well as offseason cover crops, weeds (including Roundup-resistant ones) can be suppressed with dramatically less fertilizer use-a factor of between 6 and 10 less. And much less herbicide means much less poison entering streams-“potential aquatic toxicity was 200 times less in the longer rotations” than in the regular corn-soy regime, the study authors note. So, despite what the seed giants and the conventional weed specialists insist, there are other ways to respond to the accelerating scourge of “superweeds” than throwing more-and ever-more toxic-chemicals at them.

Chuck Spinney: From Palestine to Syria to Jordan — The True Cost of Western Ignorance & Arrogance

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Below is a two-part series of reports by Nicolas Pelham on the increasingly precarious situation in Jordan.

The proximate causes of Jordan's growing potential for instability and revolution derive from the spillover effects of the Syrian Civil War.  But these effects are amplifying deeper demographic tensions that were already causing serious problems.  As Pelham show, these deeper tensions are rooted in instabilities caused by (1) the growing demographic imbalances between native Jordanians (mostly tribal Bedouins — now a minority in their own country) and majority of Jordanians of Palestinian origin including almost two million who are still classified as refugees (of which almost 340,000 remain housed in impoverished refugee camps left over from the 1948 and 1967 Arab-Israeli wars), (2) the general spillover of expectations created by the Arab Spring, and (3) King Abdullah's reluctance to embrace the growing pressure for democratic reforms.  Now, waves of refugees from Syria are hyping Jordan's incipient crisis and making Jordan more vulnerable to radical Sunni Islamists trying to destabilize the existing order.  Ironically, some of the ‘Syrian' refugees entering Jordan are Palestinians who have been forced to leave squalid Palestinian refugee camps in Syria (which may be a result of a strategic decision made by the embattled Assad regime in increase pressure on its neighbors who are supporting the Syrian insurgents).   Large numbers of Syria refugees are also flooding into Turkey and Lebanon.

The last thing the Middle East needs is another set of permanent concentration camps.  The attached articles provide a useful background on a growing problem that is yet another instability related to the West's failure to seriously address the Palestinian Question, a connection, I might add, Pelham studiously ignores.

Part I: Jordan’s Syria Problem

Nicolas Pelham


As Syria’s civil war worsens, Jordanian officials say they fear a far larger exodus to come. The collapse of the single power station supplying 10 million Syrians in the south, they warn, could precipitate a mass rush to the border. Fighting has already enveloped the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus’ southern suburbs, home to 150,000 Palestinians and a million Syrians. Syrian airstrikes on rebel positions have made refugees of the camp’s population yet again, killing twenty-five of them inside a mosque where they had sought refuge .Tens of thousands who had fled the camp returned after an agreement between rival factions of Palestinians in Syria. But on January 7, said Palestinians in Yarmouk, shelling and sniper fire killed five people on the main road through the camp. Palestinians are fleeing again.

For Jordan’s indigenous East Bankers, the prospect of another wave of Palestinian refugees, following the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who arrived in previous decades, threatens to continue the process that over six decades has eroded their own status and turned them into a minority in their own country. Determined to keep out the Palestinians even after the bombardment of Daraa and Yarmouk camps, Jordan has allowed in only 2,000 of them, refusing entry to all the rest, including the widow’s husband, a rebel commander, who was sent back to his death in Syria after the rest of his Syrian unit was allowed in.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: From Palestine to Syria to Jordan — The True Cost of Western Ignorance & Arrogance”

Owl: Irresponsible Government = Death by Vaccine –Thank You Bill Gates — Meanwhile $75 Billion a Year on Secret Intelligence Protects No One, Informs No One….

07 Health, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

The Danger of Vaccines: More Proof

Which vaccines contain human protein and DNA?
Would you object to taking vaccines on moral, philosophical, scientific or religious grounds knowing you are consuming human material? The FDA itself admits in its “Vaccine Ingredients Calculator” that's what you are receiving in a vaccine. “A recent CBS News Investigates article quotes a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm who claims that human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines; however, we adhere strictly to the vaccine package inserts from the FDA as our ingredient data source and cannot confirm nor deny this claim.

Tetanus Vaccine Causes New Disease: New Vaccines Worse?
Does the doctor who cheerfully injects you with tetanus vaccine warn you about this?
“The tetanus vaccine causes a new disease known both as Hughes syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). It’s an autoimmune condition that can attack any part of the body, though is best noted for heart attacks and killing fetuses. It’s likely that APS will become more common with the new generation of vaccine adjuvants now being produced. The sufferers of (APS) are mostly women, and its diagnosis is often made as a result of multiple pregnancy losses. As is typical of new diseases, research is focused on finding a genetic cause, in spite of the fact that the connection with vaccines is well known and documented.”

Continue reading “Owl: Irresponsible Government = Death by Vaccine –Thank You Bill Gates — Meanwhile $75 Billion a Year on Secret Intelligence Protects No One, Informs No One….”