Mini-Me: Spinning Benghazi

Government, Ineptitude, Military
Who? Mini-Me?


Mainstream Media Caught In Snarl Of Tangled Benghazi Yarns (Larry Bell in Forbes)

Tightly spun accounts of when and what the president and top administration officials knew and did prior to, during and following the deadly 9/11 terrorist attack on our Benghazi consulate are unraveling at warp speed.

The Benghazi Circus (Joe Klein in TIME)

There were two attacks in Benghazi that night. The first was a spontaneous response to the anti-Islamic film that had caused similar protests in Cairo and elsewhere. That is important: there would have been no terrorist attack if the film hadn’t provided the opportunity for mayhem.

The Benghazi Test: How and Why Obama's Foreign Policy Passed It (Dominic Terney in Atlantic)

Benghazi is what a “scandal” looks like when there aren't any real scandals to talk about.

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David Isenberg: CIA Closes Climate Center

Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude
David Isenberg

CLIMATE: Amid budget scrutiny, CIA shutters climate center

Annie Snider, E&E reporter

Greenwire: Monday, November 19, 2012

With the U.S. intelligence budget shrinking, the CIA has quietly shut down its Center on Climate Change and National Security — a project that was launched with the support of Leon Panetta when he led the agency, but that drew sharp criticism from some Republicans in Congress.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the center said it closed its doors earlier this year, with its staff and analysis continuing under other auspices.

CIA spokesman Todd Ebitz confirmed the change.

“The CIA for several years has studied the national security implications of climate change,” Ebitz said in a statement to Greenwire. “This work is now performed by a dedicated team in an office that looks at a variety of economic and energy security issues affecting the United States.”

The CIA launched the climate change center in September 2009 after a spate of reports linking climate change and national security that drew interest from some members of Congress seeking political action on climate change.

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Robert Steele: HP Claims Fraud at Autonomy — Could Autonomy Defense be that HP is Stupid?

Commerce, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Click on Image for Bio Page

Want to save several billion dollars, increase market share with innovation, and not be stupid in the IT arena?  The answer is simple: do not buy other software companies (go all in on Open Source Everything); and if you must buy something, consult Stephen E. Arnold, CEO of Arnold IT, first.  HP is a potentially great company, but it seems out of touch with reality and unable to do its homework.  They are not alone — Microsoft after Ozzie, Oracle, Yahoo, Facebook, all mired in old think.  The arrogance of insularity is quite stunning, across all fronts.

H-P Claims Fraud at Autonomy

With Autonomy, H-P Bought An Old-Fashioned Accounting Scandal. Here's How It Worked.

How Hewlett-Packard lost its way

HP's Future Was Fried Before Screaming Fraud

Stephen E. Arnold: Free Online 30 Days Only – The New Landscape of Search

See Also:

Robert Steele: Big Four Audit Firms “Not Our Job to Detect Fraud”


David Isenberg: Google Scholar Results for “Intelligence Reform” and “Intelligence Reform Steele”

10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
David Isenberg

Found this interesting.  Last round of discussion in 2005-2007, the one hit below is outrageously expensive, but “for the record.”

Intelligence Reform: Adapting to the Changing Security Environment  (Comparative Strategy Volume 31, Issue 5, 2012)

Google Scholar / “Intelligence Reform”

Google Scholar / “Intelligence Reform” Steele

See Also:

21st Century Intelligence Core References 2007-2013

A Look Back at Intelligence Reform (FAS, 1 June 2010)

SchwartzReport: US Spends Tens of Billions Abroad–Better Spent at Home?

Government, Ineptitude, Military

Where Does Milllons in Pentagon Contracts Go?

NICK TURSE – Mother Jones

While American children are going to bed hungry, and their schools all too often are falling apart, we have squandered untold billions on the infrastructure and schools of the countries where we have created wars, producing astonishing profits for war contractors, and little else. It is such an upside down policy that it is amazing to me that American voters have so quietly sat still for it. This last election, for the first time, sug! gests they are now fed up. This report gives good reasons why that is a reasonable position.

A billion dollars from the federal government: that kind of money could go a long way toward revitalizing a country's aging infrastructure. It could provide housing or better water and sewer systems. It could enhance a transportation network or develop an urban waterfront. It could provide local jobs. It could do any or all of these things. And, in fact, it did. It just happened to be in the Middle East, not the United States.

Read full article.

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Mini-Me: Hit Job on Petraeus and CIA Neo-Cons? The Panetta Narrative?

Corruption, Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Who? Mini-Me?


Op-Ed: Benghazi attack — The October surprise that backfired

Eric Morales

Digital Journal, 17 November 2012

The Romney campaign was banking on the Benghazi attack making Obama the next Jimmy Carter, however it has instead blown up in the face of the American right – only problem is, they haven't realized that yet.

Conservatives thought the September 11th attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was the little engine that could. President Obama was ahead in a majority of polls in swing states, and he was leading former Governor Mitt Romney hands down.

Then came reports that the consulate was under attack, after violent protests over a derisive movie entitled Innocence of Muslims which insulted the Prophet Muhammad and decent minded people the world over. Then the news came that Ambassador Stevens were killed along with two CIA security contractors and an IT specialist. The Romney campaign wasted no time issuing a statement even while the embassy staff was still in harms way. The media seemed surprised at their gung ho attitude on the attacks, why was the campaign using this moment of tragedy on the anniversary of another tragedy to attack their opponent, President Obama?

This was their plan. This was their moment. The Reagan revolution was getting a sequel.

The Stand Down

Michael Morell, the Acting CIA Director testified to the Senate that the CIA in Libya never asked for help. This is important in light of what we already know about the attacks. According to the Daily Beast, two hours after the attack on the consulate began Defense Secretary Leon Panetta had multiple plans in place to respond. The plans included sending in a Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) from Rota, Spain. More plans included two special forces units to deploy to Libya, one from Italy and another from the United States. However the CIA never requested the help, and neither did the State Department.

Read rest of article.

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Penguin: Benghazi – The Case for Impeachment

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Who, Me?

Grasping at straws, but at root, some serious questions.

Republican plot to impeach Obama over Benghazi attack thickens

Washington – Reports allege a move for impeachment of Obama based on claims that he lied about the Benghazi attack and tried to cover up the truth that it was a terrorist attack. It is also alleged that he blackmailed Petraeus to co-operate in the cover-up.

Read full article.

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